Pomplain Forst in Outer Spave is a fantasy JRPG based on the world of Vikings and Norse mythology. Like most JRPGs, it is vital to talk to NPCs around the world (multiple times in some cases) and to pay attention to and to remember what they tell you. But here is a quick walkthrough for how to proceed, just in case you get lost while playing. 1. Go to the Hvinter Inn, and speak to the innkeeper. Work to pay off your debt. This will advance you to the rank of Knave, and enable you to enter more places. Go back to Hvinter and be sure to speak to everyone. There is a companion you need waiting for you in the tavern. 2. Go west to the Royal Guard Camp. Accept the quest to collect and sell bear pelts. You will obtain the rank of Soldier, which will allow you to buy a boat. 3. Save up to buy a boat. You can now sail to the points in the mainland of Outer Spave accessible in the shallow water. Sail to The Castle and visit the Map Room. You will be able to see a detailed and labeled version of the Outer Spave map. You can’t take it with you, but you can always take a screenshot. 4. Inside the Castle, speak to The Prince, who has summoned you. He will give you a quest, and advance you to the rank of Warrior. 5. Go to the towns of Belgsdalr, Hals, Blundsvatn, and Akrar. Visit the Spurious Forge, Runed Armor, and Solitary Apothecary. There are side quests available in the towns. 6. Go also to the Fishing Hut, the Seer’s tent, and the Hermit’s Shack. These are not marked on the map, but they are useful or important to advance the main quest. The Fishing Hut is just southeast of Hvinter. The Seer’s tent can be found by sailing up a river on the west side of Outer Spave, about half way between Hvinter and Akrar. The Hermit’s Shack is near the northeast side of Outer Spave. Watch for a wooden sign visible from the shore. 7. After you have acquired the best weapons and armor for your party, it is time to complete the first quest from The Prince. You will need a Sailing Vessel for this, so go back to Hvinter with 10,000 silver. If you need to raise funds, polar bears and white wolves are a good source of expensive pelts to sell. 8. When you return to Hvinter, buy a Sailing Vessel from Marina Ted. You can then use this boat to sail the waters of the entire map, but beware, because the sea creatures out there can poison you. Stock up on Ocean Potion and other supplies. 9. Sail to the landmass on the far northwest of the map and defeat an Ice Giant. Then sail back to The Castle and report your success to The Prince. He will advance your rank to Viking Warrior, and give you a new quest. 10. Now that you are a Viking Warrior, you can enter the stone tower on the island of Rgar. Sail there and do so. Answer positively to the riddle, and then optimize your equipment. 11. Once you have visited all the towns, sites, and people in Outer Spave, it is time to sail to the southwest corner to Wraith Island. Make sure you have plenty of healing and other potions with you. 12. Enter the dungeon on Wraith Island and make your way past the very dangerous wraiths. The second level contains your objective. There is more after this, but you should be able to piece it together from the dialogue spoken by the characters in the game. The ending is only three visits away after this.