Tag Archives: Xubuntu

Oh, Mint

I really tried to like you, Mint.  I really like your philosophy, and the fact that you’re moving away from the clone-Appleâ„¢ policies of Ubuntu.  So I was disappointed when I first tried installing you back in 2008.  The “Fluxbox” version I booted with a Live CD on my laptop looked so damn seductive, and […]

First impressions of Lubuntu

Well, out of boredom and a need to express my geekdom in as many ways as I can, I’ve installed “Lubuntu” on my netbook. Lubuntu, for those not in the know, is the variant of Ubuntu that uses LXDE as its desktop environment.  I use LXDE over Ubuntu or Xubuntu on most of my computers.  […]

Well, lawdy freakin daw

I’m sure many of you out there have noticed that motherfucking godawful bloody Daylight Saving time has cursed us all with its presence one more time.  Except for folks in Saskatchewan.  Why did they realize that DST is a useless fucking turd and not the rest of us? Anyhoo, you’ve probably guessed by now that […]

“LXDE – the cure for what ails our older PCs”

Not my headline, but one from Christopher Dawson over at ZDNet.  Seeing as how I’m under the effect of another bloody Chinook headache, and seeing as how I can’t get the neurons firing to think of a topic to blab about myself, I will just let you read that. And read this too, because it’s […]