Tag Archives: Windows XP

Adventures in Servicepackland

FUCK.  This is one exciting blog I maintain here, isn’t it?  I mean, where else on the vast interwebs can you go to read what some random dipshit has to say about computers, old music and his perverted sexual interest in female androids? Nowheres, that’s wheres. If you want a gateway to the new “Information […]

July 13th? Hmmmmmm…..

So I read this morning that Microsoft will end support for Windows XP SP2 on July 13th of this year.  That happens to be what I’m running on my only two Windows installations that have access to the internet.  One is my laptop, and the other is a virtual XP installation running inside VirtualBox here […]

Crap… ran out of time tonight

So I’m back “fixing” a friends computer.  That’s the same computer I talked bout earlier.  Apparently, Windows XP got reinstalled on its partition, thus removing the Grub boot loader and the ability to dual boot.  That’s fixed now, but OH SWEET JEBUS how awful the display in XP looks now! Even with the latest XP […]

Coming out of a cold snap

I just want to rant and whine about how cold it is now.  Last night it was forecast to go down to -34.4.  This is all Celsius, btw.  When it gets past -20 it’s all just too fucking cold anyway, so I don’t really know if it got THAT cold.  But I’ve been watching the […]