Tag Archives: Windows 98

Golfyssey 23 — PC

Ah, the PC.  There’s a good chance that you’re reading this blog on a personal computer right now.  The PC is ubiquitous for home use and work today, but it started as just another variant of the home computer back in the early 1980s.  The IBM PC saw immediate success in the business world, and […]

The Joy of Windows 98 SE (part 1)

Okay, I’m 15 years late in celebrating this operating system.  And I think I can only celebrate anything Microsoft or Windows at all because it fills a particular niche for me. This is odd for me to like Windows 98 so much, because it was Windows 95 and Windows 98 that taught me to hate […]

My current favourite OS

I like to try out different operating systems.  This is mainly because I am a geek.  I like to see what some group of developers has done with a kernel and a desktop environment and a software ecosystem. Linux is a good example of this.  I should actually say GNU-Linux.  Technically (those of you who […]

Is it Xubuntu or is it Windows 95?

Or some bastardized mishmash of Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 and Windows 98? Actually it’s my writing laptop with a definite oldschool look that gives me a chuckle every time I use it. For the record, this is Xubuntu 12.04. It all started when I was bored and upgrading from Xubuntu 10.04 to 12.04.  Contrary […]

Printers Through Windows

I was all set to get lots of stuff done today.  I still have a ton of music to Mikeify.  I got another album by Peter Hammill today, so I was going to do that one and put it on the iPod.  I ordered his 80s albums last week from Amazon.ca, and every single one […]

My first PC

This is a love story. No, not the kind of love I have for female androids.  I never have and never will fondle or fuck a PC. My first PC is a vintage 1998 HP Pavilion 8260.  Back then, it cost me $2599 and included only a mouse, keyboard, monitor and speakers. The specs and […]