Tag Archives: Windows 3.1

Is it Xubuntu or is it Windows 95?

Or some bastardized mishmash of Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 and Windows 98? Actually it’s my writing laptop with a definite oldschool look that gives me a chuckle every time I use it. For the record, this is Xubuntu 12.04. It all started when I was bored and upgrading from Xubuntu 10.04 to 12.04.  Contrary […]

A new toy

As part of my ongoing quest to experience the unmitigated awesome that is the Windows 3.1 operating system, I have acquired an old laptop.  Thanks, Uncle Furry. ;) It’s from the heady year of 2000, which was once a large-looming “FUTURE” but is now, like, ten years ago. And it has Windows 98 already on […]

Bring back Windows 3.1!

So, my opinion of Ed Bott is that he’s a shill and an Áœber Fanboy for Microsoft.  Still, this is fucking hilarious. And it has me thinking of Windows 3.1. A while ago I watched this video of someone running Windows 3.1 on a Nokia phone. Pretty neat trick.  I have a very old monochrome […]