Tag Archives: Weather

It’s Summertime!

Well break out the fucking pointy party hats and such because Calgary is getting some nice weather again.  We’re not breaking any records, I’m sure, but this is the kind of weather we usually get in July and August.  And it will be here for a week.  And it’s probably the reason why I was […]

One hail of a storm

I bitch about the weather a lot, but sometimes the weather in Calgary can be damn exciting.  As long as you don’t suffer hail damage.  That sucks. But today around the middle of the day there was an INTENSE hail storm around here.  My mother says it was the biggest hail she’s ever seen.  It […]

Another post where I bitch about the weather

It’s raining like the blazes here right now.  How do the blazes rain, you ask?  You’re asking, perhaps, the wrong fellow as I am not in much of a coherent mood right now.  And if you suspect that this post will devolve into a rant about the weather, you just might be correct. See, Calgary’s […]