Tag Archives: Vegetation Day

Kitty corner

Ah, Vegetation Day.  Actually, I took yesterday off as a day of vacation, so I’ve already had a day of doing nothing.  But I did stuff yesterday.  In fact, I was quite busy. Since moving back into my parents’ house, I’ve had to put up with the fact that it’s not my house and I […]

State of the Art

Vegetation day again Ah, the rest period. The time to sit.  The time not to act.  The time to marvel at how I got 12 hours of sleep overnight, and how I just got up from a 4 hour nap and I’m still tired. But my feet don’t hurt as much as they did yesterday.  […]

Another fine day wasted

Well, I did lots of stuff yesterday, so today was declared to be Vegetation Day.  I accomplished not much more than sitting on my ass playing video games and reading.  To be specific, I played another long round of Civilization 2 while I had my text-to-speech program read articles on Wikipedia about geological epochs. You […]