Tag Archives: sleep


Technically, I’m being monetarily rewarded for pushing myself literally to exhaustion every week.  So I guess this is worth it.  Goodnight.

Another fine day wasted

Well, I did lots of stuff yesterday, so today was declared to be Vegetation Day.  I accomplished not much more than sitting on my ass playing video games and reading.  To be specific, I played another long round of Civilization 2 while I had my text-to-speech program read articles on Wikipedia about geological epochs. You […]


Thats all I have to say.  I had a nice long weekend, but because of a weather headache, I didn’t get around to all the nice little projects I’ve been putting off for so long. Next time. I’m still loving the upgraded version of Firefox.  And I’m tired so I will go to bed.  I […]

Song of the Day – “The Battle of Epping Forest” by Genesis

More to come when I’m not nauseous, when my head isn’t pounding and when all I can do is fall asleep. (Later…) I just slept for 17 hours. Yikes!  Zounds!  Egad!  Gadzooks!  ZOMFGBBQWTF! That beats my previous record of sleeping for 16 hours when I was a kid.  I had a fever. I still have […]