Tag Archives: Robotman

Fembot Manips II — May 2020

Hurtling to Planet Earth from my Space Station full of Android Women, I am here once again to bring you my corny yet somehow effective fembot manips.  A couple of bonus video clips too.  The feet stuff is Kishin’s fault.  I’m not actually into feet (German: unteregehendehÁ¤nde), so blame Kishin for that. Bonus videos!  Hooray! […]

Robotman Plays Guitar

For shits and giggles I’ve recorded some audio clips of my guitar playing.  This is me on my electric 7-string plugged into my Xoom effects box and into my laptop.  I’m not playing anything in particular, I’m making shit up as I go along.  © 2015 Robotman. Robotman – Guitar Improv 1.mp3 Robotman – Guitar […]