Tag Archives: Progressive Rock


Ah, that great prog rock band from the ’70s, GÁ©nesis.  You know the one, from Colombia. Or were you thinking of Genesis from England? So was I when I first saw GÁ©nesis mentioned.  It’s basically the same name.  I found out about this band (the one from Colombia) when I read a joke someone made […]

Mother Gong – Robot Woman

For years and years now, I’ve been searching the old Googles for images of robot women.  Some of these searches have been quite fruitful. And other’s not.  But there is this one album that kept popping up whenever I searched for the term “robot woman”.  Since I’m a music fan too, I tried to find […]


No, no holy shoutings!  Donkeys not withstanding!  Ass! This post has nothing to do with Palm Sunday.  Nor does it have anything to do with the band Chicago, who has fast become one of my very favorite bands ever, as long as I pretend they broke up in 1974. No, this is about an old […]

The Story of Chicago – Book I

I’m digging very much the groovy sounds made pre-1975 by this formerly fine band.  And I think it’s a crying shame that their earlier reputation for making adventurous, jazz-influenced rock has been sullied and beaten and eventually run over by a fleet of fucking limousines by none other than the exact same band in the […]

Song of the day – “Sing a Mean Tune Kid” by Chicago

Oh, joy.  Oh, happiness and wonderment, etc.  Et-Cetera. Robotman is blogging again!  Aren’t we all lucky!  I’ll tell you something, Buster, I’m pretty fucking lucky.  I no longer have to get up so damn early to get to work early and get home late because I leave work late because of traffic because of construction […]

“Wow man, that sounds fuckin good.”

I am rather talented when it comes to Mikeifying music, I must say. What is Mikeifying, I hear you ask? Well, Mikeification is the process of me using Cool Edit to adjust the audio properties of songs that I put onto my iPod.  Basically, I makes the tunes sounds more gooder.  The tricks I use […]

Song of the Day – “Radio” by Supersister

Okay, so I’ve listened to some of that thar Supersister I bought.  And before I progress… that’s a slight pun there… I’ll emphatically state that this is NOT the prefabricated British pop girl group from a couple years ago.  No, this is Robotman’s blog, dawgonnit, and I’m a gonna blabber on about obscure progressive rock […]

Song of the Day – “The Sound of the Atom Splitting” by Pet Shop Boys

What a delightful little ditty! This is about as experimental and “avant-garde” as this duo of gay dudes ever got.  And I’ve never actually written “avant-garde” before.  I had to look it up.  And now I’ve gone and used it twice in quick succession. Can you dance to this?  Would you want to?  I’m not […]

A tale of two Supersisters

Back when I was (by choice) unemployed (for 13 months and spending all my savings), I had the BEST year of my life.  Not working played a huge part in that.  Sigh. Drifting back on topic, from Summer 2006 to Summer 2007 I got into some fine progressive rock thanks to the amazing site Prog […]

Song of the Day – “The Mexican” by Babe Ruth

You can watch this song here, and listen to it here. Actually, both links just require you to listen.  But listen you should!  This band was from England, and I don’t know a whole lot about them.  All I know is that they crafted this fucking AWESOME song and had a chick who sang for […]

Song of the Day – “Starless” by King Crimson

“Starless” (part 1) “Starless” (part 2) My favorite song.  No, actually my second favorite song, right after “Paranoid Android” by Radiohead.  I think.  That’s variable.  One of my faves for sure. This song is fucking amazing.  I know I’ve described songs as awesome and amazing before, but lets just do something here for a bit. […]

Song of the Day – “E VerrÁ  L’Uomo” by Corte Dei Miracoli

Some things I have just found out from Babelfish: This band’s name translates as “Court of the Miracles” The song title translates as “And L’ Will come; Man” Things I knew before: This is an awesome, majestic, dynamic, emotive song The band is from Italy The lyrics are in Italian, and I have no idea […]

Song of the Day – “Peel the Paint” by Gentle Giant

From a concept album… A CONCEPT album from a progressive rock band!  Who Knew!  From 1972’s “Three Friends”, which has kind of a tedious and lame concept, comes one of Gentle Giant’s best songs. And I know that if anyone is reading this typical post on this shitty blog, you will no doubt be saying […]