Tag Archives: Netbook

Steam Deck, Schmeme Deck!

Want a portable gaming system with a large screen and full Windows compatibility?  Don’t have several hundreds of dollars to spend on the Steam Deck or one of its knock-offs? Get a used netbook! That right there is the venerable HP Mini Note 2133.  I bought that back in 2008 when it came out.  It […]

My Puppy

Oh how cute, Robotman’s going to bore the fuck out of you by talking about Linux again! Yes, This is a story about a Linux distribution called “Puppy Linux“.    I’m not much of a 1337 H4XXÁ˜R when it comes to Linux, so I pretty much stick to distros that I can install and use with […]

Thoughts on Ubuntu 10.04

I’ve read that this latest release is buggy. And I’ve also read that it’s got an “unfinished feel”, especially for a Long Term Release.  And from what my own experience with it tells me, I would have to agree. I mentioned earlier how I downloaded the beta and installed it on my netbook.  That went… […]