Tag Archives: lyrics

Song of the Day – “Anno Mundi” by Black Sabbath

Let’s get something out of the way right off the bat. If you’re a fan of classic Sab, then no doubt you’re scratching your head and saying to yourself in an outlandish mock cockney accent “Oi sure don’t wumembah dis one, gubbnah!” And to that I say “of course not!  You damned fool!  Have you […]

Song of the Day – “Mark of Vaccination” by Slim Cessna’s Auto Club.

YEEEEEHAW!!!!! Here’s a live rendition of this song because that’s all I could find. Now… I’m not a fan of Country Music.  However, this band allows all kinds of exceptions.  These guys are fucking brilliant, and they make a very enjoyable Hillbilly/Gospel/Punk kind of mix with as much wit, heart and soul as you could […]

Song of the Day – “KooKooKa Fuk-U” by !!!

!!! Pronounce THAT!  HA! It’s actually pronounced this way: clench your teeth (not tightly) move your tongue to either the left or the right side of your mouth, and push it forward create suction with your tongue, compressing the air underneath and behind it release your tongue, pulling it back and away from your teeth […]