Tag Archives: King Crimson

Song of the Day – “Starless” by King Crimson

“Starless” (part 1) “Starless” (part 2) My favorite song.  No, actually my second favorite song, right after “Paranoid Android” by Radiohead.  I think.  That’s variable.  One of my faves for sure. This song is fucking amazing.  I know I’ve described songs as awesome and amazing before, but lets just do something here for a bit. […]

Song(s) of the Day – “Cryptorchid” / “Elektrik” by Marilyn Manson / King Crimson

Tonight, I give you (as far as my iPod will generate by itself) a mashup. Cryptorchid (live version of) Elektrik These two songs came on one-after-another as I walked home from Wal-Mart.  There are no other stores.  All glory to Wal-Mart! (Click me!!!) I have a smattering of Marilyn Manson on the iPod.  I honestly […]