Tag Archives: Jimi Hendrix

Golfyssey 01 – Atari 2600

Ah, the Atari 2600.  The video game system from 1977.  Even though I have plenty of games for the Atari, I never play any of them regularly.  The graphics and especially the sound are just too primitive for me to enjoy anything on this thing.  In fact, some of the games that were released for […]

A fun weekend of doing as little as possible

As little work as possible, that is.  I’ve been really busy this weekend with more Mikeification of more Jimi Hendrix.  The process shouldn’t have taken three weeks.  It doesn’t take more than about an hour to do an album.  But I have zero time during the week to get fun stuff like this done, so […]

You remember ol’ Croydon, eh?

The Mikeification of Jimmy Hendrix continues apace. Begin the thawing of Jim Nabors! Yeah… something like that. I have a long weekend!  Hooray!  I booked Friday off!  Hooray!  I have a fucking cold!  Hooray! And I have a fever too.  When I get fevers, I get a stupid amount of stuff done.  I’ve read volumes […]


No, not this guy… No, not even this guy… THIS guy. This blog post is about the late great Jimi Hendrix, and his awesome talent with the Play-Doh Mop-Top play set. Man, no one could use that thing like he did. Just kidding.  This was his tool of choice: Yikes!  It’s VERY SCAAAAARY in German!!! […]

Song of the Day – “Like a Rolling Stone” by Jimi Hendrix

Jimi’s version. Also, “Like a Rolling Stone” by The Rolling Stones And why the hell not… “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan Bob Dylan wrote this song.  And I’m going to pull a total dick move here and piss plenty of people off by saying what I’m about to say.  Bob Dylan can’t fucking […]