Tag Archives: Geekdom

Robotman’s Cheap Classic Console Calendar 2020

In an attempt to adorn my bare and crumbling walls again this year, I’ve forgone the tradition that most folks have of buying a calendar, and I’ve made my own out of bookers and hacky sack.  Or something like that. Then again, considering how much printer ink costs, maybe this is the stupid way to […]

Robotman’s Cheap Classic Console Calendar 2018

Twas a day after Christmas and up on my wall Hung last year’s cheap calendar crude layout and all I glanced at the date and the days that were left And knew that of new calendars I was bereft So up off my lazy ass I had to go And think of more game consoles […]

Robotman’s Cheap Classic Computer Calendar 2016

In the spirit of (literally) marking time and celebrating 8-bit computers of times gone by, I’ve made a calendar commemorating some of the pioneering home computers from the late 70s and early 80s.  The computers featured are: January: Apple II February: TRS-80 March: Atari 800 April: Commodore VIC-20 May: Texas Instruments TI-99/4A June: ZX Spectrum […]

Robotman’s Cheap Classic Console Calendar 2014

All of last year, I had a delightful ninja cat calendar adorning my wall.  I found that one on reddit in 2012, and I kept that in mind near the end of 2013, hoping that a similar awesome calendar would pop up there. Well, I didn’t see one.  So I’ve made my own 2014 wall […]

Golfyssey 26 — The 19th hole

This Golfyssey has taught me several things.  Among them, that reviewing video games is actually work.  So hats off to those folks who do this for a living.  Unless you’re one of those presstitutes being paid by the big gaming sites who automatically gives glowing reviews for every new shiny turd that EA shits out […]

Bodhi Linux

I’ve recently been playing around with a new-ish distro called Bodhi Linux.  It’s a light-weight distro, and since I’m a cheap bastard who likes to spend not much money on underpowered hardware, I like to get the most I can out of my OS. That’s why I use primarily Xubuntu and Lubuntu, and even Puppy […]

My Puppy

Oh how cute, Robotman’s going to bore the fuck out of you by talking about Linux again! Yes, This is a story about a Linux distribution called “Puppy Linux“.    I’m not much of a 1337 H4XXÁ˜R when it comes to Linux, so I pretty much stick to distros that I can install and use with […]

Oy Mint!

Well, I tried to give Linux Mint another try.  This time I tried Linux Mint 13 with Cinnamon, 32 Bit.  And I tried it on a computer that I’ve never tried to install Mint on before. The live DVD wouldn’t even boot. So as not to make the downloading and burning of that ISO a […]

To the FUTURE!!!

Cue scientifical music. That’s better. This post is the first post written on my “writing laptop” since I dun reformatted the hard drive since I dun got me a rootkit on it.  See below for the horrid, treacherous details of that.  Sordid?  Yeah, add sordid to that list of adjectives too. Am I making any […]

Is it Xubuntu or is it Windows 95?

Or some bastardized mishmash of Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 and Windows 98? Actually it’s my writing laptop with a definite oldschool look that gives me a chuckle every time I use it. For the record, this is Xubuntu 12.04. It all started when I was bored and upgrading from Xubuntu 10.04 to 12.04.  Contrary […]

Hey, I remember this!

Wow!  This is a neat blog!  Some of it’s funny and some of it makes sense!  And it’s all about me and the silly things I like! Yes, it’s been a very long while since I’ve updated this blog.  Not to put too fine a point on things, but that’s because I have virtually no […]

How XScreensaver got me to use Xfce again

Here’s another nerdy story for you all!  Gather around the glow of the CRT, it’s time to get geeky! I recently got a DVD from Jolly Old England (that’s what the country is officially called, I think) because it’s so obscure I couldn’t get it here in Canada.  The video is this: Made by these […]

My writing laptop

Another update to my long dormant blog.  And only possible because I had a vacation day on Friday and therefore this is a long weekend for me.  Friday was a very bad day for me though.  Fuck you, weather headaches. Lately, I’ve been using my laptop more and more.  This was one I bought in […]

Another Ubuntu user

Last week, I had actually brought back my friend’s computer to work so that i could give it to her.  But before I did, I asked her if she would like to have an alternative operating system installed beside Vista. I explained that she would be able to choose which one to boot when she […]


Thanks again to the intrepid Uncle Furry, I’ve found out about a great program from the makers of CCleaner.  It’s called Defraggler, and if you use that steaming pile of shit known as Windows Vista, you need this program. See, since the old old days of Windows 95, Microsoft has included a utility to defragment […]

So…. Vista

I have been, over the last 10 days or so, been fixing up a friend’s laptop for her.  You see, I knew there was something wrong with it when she emailed me about great deals on Rolex watches. So, knowing that she had malware problems, and knowing that I’m a computer geek who actually likes […]

That post about dBpowerAmp

dBpowerAmp is a great program.  It is actually a suite of applications with different features, and the ones I use the most are the music converter and the CD ripping program.  Actually, I have used the CD ripping program a lot in the past and I will use it a lot in the future because […]

Bitching about the way things break in Linux

Just like in Windows… an update can fuck up your favourite programs.  I’ve blabbed before about how my favourite CD ripping program (Grip) no longer works, and now I’d like to bitch about how the replacement I found (Ripper X) doesn’t do as good a job as it should. Let’s start with mp3 tags.  I […]

My dedicated Civilization II terminal

Praise be to Uncle Furry, for he hath bestowed upon me a 10 year old Thinkpad with which to bask in the glory of Windows 98 SE! Hosanna! I had originally considered reinstalling one of the virtual Windows XP setups I run as a virtual OS inside Linux.  As you are probably tired of hearing, […]

Adventures in Servicepackland

FUCK.  This is one exciting blog I maintain here, isn’t it?  I mean, where else on the vast interwebs can you go to read what some random dipshit has to say about computers, old music and his perverted sexual interest in female androids? Nowheres, that’s wheres. If you want a gateway to the new “Information […]

So long, CivII

Here’s a long and uninteresting story.  Kind of like everything else on this blog.  Except some of this drivel is mercifully short. Anyway, I am a fan of the 1996 game Civilization II.  I play it a lot.  It wastes a lot of my time, actually.  I’ve spent hours playing it when I should have […]

I ride the turtle again!

Look at him!  He’s riding the turtle! Actually, it’s a tortoise.  But who cares! Look at him! And like all slow rides, this ride gets you there eventually. If you’ve been paying attention to this blog… and honestly, I don’t know who the fuck in their right mind would, I mean come on.  Even I […]

All done and I like the results

I’ve got everything reinstalled now and aside from virtual Windows being slower, everything is better or the same as how I had it before. My grammar sucks but that is because I’m tired.  So sue me.  I actually spent a bit more time setting up Windows than I would have liked.  Reason?  Apparently Windows XP […]

Virtual trouble

Right here in Virtual River City.  With a Virtual Tea and that rhymes with “W” and that stands for “Windows XP”. Apologies to Robert Preston.  Theoretically, it is possible to take a virtual installation of a guest OS with you and use it on any computer that has your virtualization software installed on it.  To […]


Well, my early night last night didn’t really turn out that way.  I couldn’t sleep.  So I went ahead and installed the new video card I got last night.  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Uncle Furry for carting me around town to get that card. AGP cards are a scarce breed these days.  The […]


Alas, my internet PC has dun gone all fuckled.  I boot, she freeze.  I boot, she freeze.  Sigh.  Tarnation! I hadn’t upgraded or reinstalled Xubuntu on this thing for a while… it was still running 9.04.  And now I think I’ll have to reinstall the whole damn shebang.  Now, this computer has 2 hard drives.  […]

Song of the day “End of the Line” by Traveling Wilburys

This is a kind of bittersweet song.  You could see for yourself what I mean had the copyright cartels not removed the official video from YouTube.  Listen to the music at the above link, but ignore the graphics because it was uploaded by spammers. Pretty fucking sad when we have to rely on spammers to […]

A new toy 2

I’ve still got that 10 year old Thinkpad.  And I’m still enjoying it.  Here’s a status update for those of you waiting breathlessly for such information. This puppy now dual boots both Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 98 SE.  That’s a month-old operating system coupled with a 12 year old operating system on a 10 year […]

A new toy

As part of my ongoing quest to experience the unmitigated awesome that is the Windows 3.1 operating system, I have acquired an old laptop.  Thanks, Uncle Furry. ;) It’s from the heady year of 2000, which was once a large-looming “FUTURE” but is now, like, ten years ago. And it has Windows 98 already on […]

Out with the old…

Well, I finally got around to checking out my new laserjet printer today.  And I didn’t know this… but “LaserJet” is a trademark owned by Hewlett Packard.  Meh. Well xerox my kleenex! So far I’ve printed only a test page from Ubuntu and a test page from Windows XP, but they look good.  Now, if […]

First impressions of Lubuntu

Well, out of boredom and a need to express my geekdom in as many ways as I can, I’ve installed “Lubuntu” on my netbook. Lubuntu, for those not in the know, is the variant of Ubuntu that uses LXDE as its desktop environment.  I use LXDE over Ubuntu or Xubuntu on most of my computers.  […]