Tag Archives: Firefox

What the Fuck, Firefox?

I thought we were friends, Firefox?  y u do dis? I’ve been using Firefox for a very long time, over a decade, probably longer.  If you search for Firefox in this here blog, you will get a long litany of blather all about my various complaints and praises I’ve had for it over the years.  […]

Firefox – Australis and add-ons and themes

Oh my! I use Firefox for all of my browsing needs.  This is because Mozilla is one of the few entities left who are actually still striving and working to keep things on the Internet open and free as opposed to closed and restricted.  I also really like the browser itself because of the sheer […]


Thats all I have to say.  I had a nice long weekend, but because of a weather headache, I didn’t get around to all the nice little projects I’ve been putting off for so long. Next time. I’m still loving the upgraded version of Firefox.  And I’m tired so I will go to bed.  I […]

Firefox no longer pisses me off!

That’s me!  Look how happy I am!  And look how shiny my coat is! Seriously, I’m no longer thinking about ditching the Linux version of Firefox.  Since I did my little experiment with installing and using the daily builds, I’m enjoying the quickness and light weight of the browser.  I just uploaded some pics and […]

I’ve finally upgraded Firefox!

This is actually exciting news on Linux.  As much as I love Linux, there’s one thing I can not stand about it.  The way that software gets installed is a fucking mess. I’ve learned the hard way that unless you are a Linux programmer, you shouldn’t try to install anything outside of what your distro […]

Just browsing, thanks

Firefox is a very fine browser.  It’s full-featured, and it allows for the use of some excellent add-ons.  It used to be the fastest browser out there for Windows. As far as Linux is concerned, Firefox is a sludgy molasses pit.  Things have improved a bit since Firefox 2.0, but it’s nowhere near what it […]