Tag Archives: DRM

Pharaoh and the Pirate

I’ve been having a delightful time playing old PC video games on my Windows 98 laptop.  As described below, it’s a fairly new cheap laptop that runs Lubuntu as its OS and runs Windows 98 in Virtualbox. So I decided to fill up the massive 10GB hard drive I gave it in VB by installing […]


If you were to redefine clusterfuck, how would you go about doing it? About three weeks ago, EA – The Worst Company in America – released a long awaited sequel to one of the best-loved video games of all time. Now, you may already know what SimCity is, and you may have already heard about […]

Song of the Day – “Breaking the Law” by Judas Priest

Go ahead and listen to this song right now. Watch the video if you want.  That Rob Halford is one entertaining dude.  My favourite singer, by the way.  He even edges out Dan McCafferty for that honour. But I digest digress. I’m not even going to pretend that this post is about that song you’re […]

Thanks for the rootkit, Sony

You think I’d be leery of installing any software on a Sony branded disc after the horribly unethical way that the Sony rootkit scandal went down years ago.  But I was a fool. The long story short: I installed Blu-Ray writing software from Sony on my Windows XP laptop, and that software installed something called […]

This is exactly how DRM works

If you didn’t know it already, DRM stands for Digital Restrictions Management.  Criminal cartels like the RIAA and their greedy asshole cronies will tell you it stands for Digital Rights Management, but remember: corporations want to take your rights away from you so they can have them for themselves. But that’s a separate rant. Now […]

Tonight’s post….

… has been canceled due to my rather excruciating and disorienting weather headache.  Here is a funny picture that makes a good point.

Marco Polo flu over DRM

So I have the fucking flu.  It’s ruined my day, and might possibly screw up my plans for my long weekend.  I booked Monday off so I could get some personal stuff done, but so far I haven’t even done a proper vegetation day.  Usually on Saturday I do laundry, play video games and drink […]

Just a quick rant about DRM

Digital Restrictions Management.  What a fucking sick joke this is.  I just read about another DRM system that has gone down in flames.  This time, like so many times before and many more times to come, the paying customers who were dumb enough to be sold defective goods are being shafted. So, you paid for […]