Tag Archives: Cats

R.I.P. Shitty Kitty (1992 – 2012)

I am very sad right now because my beloved cat Lisa AKA Shitty Kitty died today.  She was my little grey sidekick.   She was 20 years old, and up until a couple of months ago, she still bounced around and played like a little kitten.  She loved me more than she loved anything or anyone, […]

Kitty corner

Ah, Vegetation Day.  Actually, I took yesterday off as a day of vacation, so I’ve already had a day of doing nothing.  But I did stuff yesterday.  In fact, I was quite busy. Since moving back into my parents’ house, I’ve had to put up with the fact that it’s not my house and I […]

5 posts in one!

“Sexdroids in Space” is now up at SpaceBabe Central.  At least the first 5 pages are.  I’m honored to have it appear on that site, since that is how I found Predator and Simon Wright when I commissioned my first comic. I really like the animated gif in the top right corner at SBC.  “She […]

Sick kitty :(

No post tonight because my parents’ poor kitty Joey is sick.