Tag Archives: Black Sabbath

Black Sabbath

You may have heard of this band. I’d put them in the top five most influential bands of all time, and many people would put them number one on that list.  But it’s taken literally decades for that recognition to come.  Most people now recognize that Black Sabbath was the band that did most of […]

Song of the Day – “Anno Mundi” by Black Sabbath

Let’s get something out of the way right off the bat. If you’re a fan of classic Sab, then no doubt you’re scratching your head and saying to yourself in an outlandish mock cockney accent “Oi sure don’t wumembah dis one, gubbnah!” And to that I say “of course not!  You damned fool!  Have you […]

Civ Sabbath

Yesterday afternoon and this morning, while taking codeine for my delightful headache, I’ve been playing another round of Civilization II.  You know, that 14 year old game that I can just never get enough of. This time, I was playing as the Zulus.  I’m fond of reading (via text-to-speech software) Wikipedia articles about the history […]

Song of the Day – “The Writ” by Black Sabbath

The Link. Have I done a Black Sabbath song before here?  Let me check. Negative. Fuck, I’m going to betray Humanity when the robots take over, I just know it.  How could I resist a hot android chick who strides mechanically up to me and seduces me with her synthetic charms? Then again, the rest […]

Song of the day “End of the Line” by Traveling Wilburys

This is a kind of bittersweet song.  You could see for yourself what I mean had the copyright cartels not removed the official video from YouTube.  Listen to the music at the above link, but ignore the graphics because it was uploaded by spammers. Pretty fucking sad when we have to rely on spammers to […]