Tag Archives: Gynoids

Fembot Manips — January 2021

I’ve made another batch of manips, the first for this fresh, shiny new year.  And to kick things off, I’ll share a funny dream I had, as I relayed it in an email: I had a fun dream last night.  I had this dream that I was back in my first apartment, which was one […]

Fembot Manips III — December 2020

The third fembot manip post this month, well how about that!  Taking a page out of Apple’s labour practices has really paid off for me, here at the North Pole.  I’ve pressed a number of elves into servitude for me, and they toil around the clock for me to produce these manips, so that you […]

Fembot Manips II — December 2020

Manips!  Hooray!  Fuel for fantasy fembots, fastidiously fashioned for fun! Here is another 24-pack of my manips which mostly show robot chicks with a penchant for taking off their faceplates.  One of them features a fake robotics company logo that I made, and I liked the way that it turned out so well, that I […]

Fembot Manips — December 2020

I’m feeling like a hero today! And here are the latest manips, which feature a lot of robot chicks in latex.  Not that I’m complaining or anything.  Thanks once more to Kishin for some of the source images!