Tag Archives: Fembots

Fembot Manips III — July 2022

I’ve been busy, it seems, as this is the third batch of manips I’ve posted here in July.  Hooray for crudely manipulated images! I’ve also got a video clip to share.  This is something I made as an ode to one of the sexiest silicone sex dolls ever made, which I originally saw selling under […]

Fembot Manips II — July 2022

I have nothing really to say this time, other than this week is Summer where I live.  Hooray. Here are some manips!  

Fembot Manips — July 2022

The inexorable march of science marches inexorably on!  And whether we like it or not, people with their own creative vision and abilities are making robots! Take for example the wondrous new David Gilmour robot made by a company in Turkey.  He’s here to serenade you with his hit songs “On the Turing Away” and […]

Fembot Manips II — June 2022

I’ve got another batch of manips to share, and another public service announcement.  Please be aware that if the waitress or bar maid at your establishment is a little too perfect, or moves mechanically and whirs while she works, she may be a robot.  (Not applicable if she isn’t a robot.)  Look for this handy […]

Fembot Manips — June 2022

Hi folks, your friendly neighborhood Robotman here, with a public service announcement.  Remember, the word Android doesn’t mean some stupid phone or tablet OS.  It’s a humanoid robot built and programmed to resemble a person.  I’ll let the modern-day philosopher Captain Kirk explain it as only he could: Damn right, darn tootin’, etc. Now here […]

Fembot Manips II — May 2022

It’s time for another batch of my latest manips, and I’ve got a bonus song to go along with one of them, so check that one out below. And here’s a little ditty I whipped up, using a royalty free music track called “robots, future, android, electronics, energetic, fantasy” by Vic B.   Just the […]

Fembot Manips — May 2022

I’ve got another hermetically sealed packet of 24 individually wrapped fembot manips to share, so here they are for your enjoyment.  Shout out to my friend Kishin, the Lucy Li manips are for you. ;) In addition, here are a couple of “female android” pictograms I made for two of these manips.  I thought they […]

Fembot Manips II — April 2022

It’s time to share my latest double dozen manips, and I’ve also got a fun little birthday greeting video clip to share.  A friend of mine had a birthday recently, so I whipped this up for him.   I’ll also post my regular message to pester you to download and play one of the video […]

Fembot Manips — April 2022

I’ve got another batch of manips to share, so here are the latest images for you to enjoy.  And if you haven’t played Onyx Crystal Core yet, check it out!

Fembot Manips II — March 2022

I’m back to hit you all with a fresh case of manips! What did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP! Anyway… I was also able to access the time machine again, so I brought back a future issue of Popular Robotics Magazine from May 2025. The manip in that image is a tribute […]

Fembot Manips — March 2022

It’s time for another batch of fembot manips, showing pretty women that reveal themselves to be androids. And speaking of androids, if you missed my most recent post, I’ve made a video game. It’s called Onyx Crystal Core, and it’s about a man from Earth who travels to a planet populated by female androids.  Check […]

Onyx Crystal Core

Have you ever had something suddenly pop into your mind for no apparent reason? A few weeks ago I was in my Robotman house, being Robotman, doing Robotman things, when all of a sudden I thought of RPG Maker.  I remember nearly 20 years ago I learned about RPG Maker, and even downloaded it to […]

Fembot Manips — February 2022

Rolling right along, I’ve got another delicious and nutritious batch of fembot manips to enjoy.  So dig in!  Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, and ring that notification bell.  Wait, you can’t do any of that here.  Never mind.

Fembot Manips — January 2022

A new year brings a new batch of manips, so here are the latest two dozen that I’ve made.  Enjoy!

Fembot Manips II — December 2021

It’s the final day of 2021, and rather appropriately I’ve got the final batch of my manips ready to show.  Here’s hoping for some impressive strides in humanoid robotic technology in the upcoming year, particularly in bipedal locomotion.  So yes, pun intended. Happy New Year to everyone out there, and please enjoy these quirky and […]

A Bionic Woman Video Game?

Don’t get too excited.  This has about as much chance of happening as a modern open-world big budget video game based on the Dr. Goldfoot movies. But I’ve always wanted to see a modern action adventure video game made out of the original Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman TV series.  I’ll have to […]

Fembot Manips — December 2021

It’s time for a fresh batch of hot fembot manips to warm you up in this cold time of year.  Unless you’re in a hot part of the world, then just add this to the heat. This time, I’m including a misplaced manip that I’d inadvertently filed into the wrong folder on my computer back […]

Fembot Manips II — November 2021

It’s Thanksgiving today for my friends in the US, so here’s giving thanks to the concept and the creation and refinement of robots and androids that look like hot women!  Yay! Along with this most recent batch of manips that I’ve created, there are two that had recently gone missing for five and a half […]

Fembot Manips — November 2021

I was going through my ever-expanding “Models” folder, and I came across this lovely image from the 1980s.  So instead of altering the artist’s original image too much, I made a nice desktop wallpaper background.  Here it is in both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios. And now for some images which I did alter the […]

Fembot Manips II — October 2021

If you’re gonna dream, dream big. I Shall Build an Army of Robots   But until that happens, here are twenty-four more crude but effective manips!

Fembot Manips — October 2021

This month’s batch of manips is brought to you by the spirit of wonder and adventure that captures our imaginations, as we look up at the stars and dream about travel into the vast depths of space… with hot and sexy android sex companions! While not strictly all about space adventure fembots, about a quarter […]

Fembot Manips II — September 2021

I’ve got some more manips to share, so push those buttons, flick those switches, and turn those dials! But first, I found an interesting website that uses artificial intelligence to create portraits.  Interesting concept, I thought, so I gave it a try.  First I gave it the keywords “Female Android”, then “Beautiful Female Robot Woman”, […]

Fembot Manips — September 2021

Before I unload a scattershot of 24 manips on you, I’d like to show you a photo of the late, great Jim Morrison playing Grand Theft Auto: Wild stuff, man.  Okay, now on with the serious stuff.  Remember those original Fembots from the Bionic Woman TV series?  They knew what’s up.   And now, the […]

Fembot Manips II — August 2021

I’ve got some more of those crude but effective fembot manips to share, along with a  video clip I assembled from some lovely stock images and an instrumental song I found.  The song is by Aleksandblrik , and is called Androids, and that’s what I titled this video clip: http://www.gratuitousscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Androids.mp4   And now, the manips!  […]

Fembot Manips — August 2021

Can you believe that the Star Trek episode “I, Mudd” first aired more than half a century ago?   That’s always been one of my favourite depictions of female androids.  Except, come to think of it, I dont quite remember that last part. No matter.  Speaking of silly and frivolous here’s a misheard lyric from […]

Fembot Manips — November 2020

It’s time once again to show off the manips that I’ve made to envision the imagined near future of beautiful female androids walking among us. And stupid stuff that I thought was funny when I made it.  Like this:   And this: And now, on with the main event!  To The Future!  

Fembot Manips II — October 2020

Have you ever been? (Have you ever been?) To Electric Ladyland? I think Jimi would approve. And now, the manips!

Fembot Manips — September 2020

For me, there’s nothing quite like “the reveal”.  That’s the moment in a fantasy or in an artistic work when a pretty woman shows herself, or is shown to be a robot and not a person.  I think that’s why I always come back to this admittedly unrealistic imagery of robot women with their faces […]

Fembot Manips II — August 2020

I was looking for an old document on an old hard drive, and I found what is possibly the best thing I have ever written: (10:39:05)  robotman1974:  “H is for Hooray for me!!!” (10:39:10)  Keizo 2:  LOL! (10:39:27)  robotman1974:  Byron got out of his Ferrari and parked it on home plate. (10:39:38)  robotman1974:  The umpire […]

Fembot Manips — August 2020

It’s summer, and with about a third of a year left before Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, I have nothing better to do than to keep making manips.  So here are the latest manips I’ve made, and a bonus frivolous video clip! I’ll also share the “Fembot Alphabet” I wrote in an email.  I originally wrote […]

Fembot Manips — February 2020

I’ve got another batch of manips to share, so here it is.  I also noticed it’s valentines day today, so there’s that.  Here’s hoping that robot companions and sex partners are harder, better, faster, stronger more advanced and widely available in the years to come, for those who want them.

Shemale Robots Six

Who doesn’t like beautiful robot women with stiff, hard, electronic penises!  Well, most people, actually.  I think there are probably less than 10 people in the world who prefer their robot women with a hardon. Well for me, and for the .0000000001%, here are my latest batch of LEDs, circuit boards, and cocks!  


Here’s something that only the old timers to ASFR will remember.  Back in the year 2000, I created my very own website dedicated to the love and sexual appreciation of female androids. I wasn’t known as Robotman back then, I was Faceless001.  And I also shared some of my first serious attempts at writing, the […]

Fembot Manips – September to October 2019 (and bonus videos)

It’s time to share some of the manips I’ve been making.  Here is the latest batch from the last five weeks.  Enjoy! And here’s a little video clip I made out of the Japanese Robot manip.   Bonus videos! These are three videos I made back in 2013 on a site called GoAnimate.  That site […]

Transsexual Robots IV – The Search for Cock

Okay, I know it was Star Trek III that had the title I’m punning off of, but I couldn’t resist. Here’s another collection of my crude but effective manips featuring beautiful android women with electronic circuitry and penises!  Hooray!

GIMP Tutorial for Fembot Manips

NOTE: This tutorial is outdated, and no longer indicates how I make my manips.  But there may be some useful tips in it, so I’ll leave it up as it was written. GIMP is powerful, free image manipulating software.  I use it in conjunction with IrfanView and good old MS Paint to make my fembot […]

A Poem – “The Creation of my Robot Girlfriend”

Poems, Everybody! Here’s a little background on this one.  I’ve been having this fantasy for a few years now, and I wanted to write it out into a more substantial story.  But honestly, I don’t think there’s much more that I could do with it, so here’s a poem. Oh, and the basis of the […]

Fembot festiveness

Tis the season, etc, etc, etc.  Lorem ipsum dolor, and all that.  Back in 2011 when I commissioned the wondrous “S.A.S.S. Renegades“, the artist A.B. Lust sent me a Christmas card featuring some S.A.S.S. agents decked out in seasonal regalia.  Now that the full comic has been finished and released, I can share this extra […]

Ashley George – S.A.S.S. Agent

I have another mini-comic to share, this time starring the lovely Ashley George.  This one shows the moment she is first activated at S.A.S.S. headquarters – and what she decides to do. Thanks again to A.B.Lust for making this one so sexy.

Sarina Valentina – S.A.S.S. Agent

Because I enjoyed the experience of making and reading SASS so much, I commissioned a 2-page mini-comic for Sarina Valentina.  A.B.Lust did some more awesome artwork for me, and I love the way it turned out. This shows Sarina’s badass side. Enjoy!

S.A.S.S. – Shemale Android Sex Sirens

A new fembot comic has arrived!  This one is catered to my relatively new sexual interest in shemales, and, well, the title is self explanatory. I must thank the superb artist A.B.Lust for drawing, inking and colouring this comic.  Copyright 2011 by Robotman and A.B.Lust. Without further ado, here it is!


Since I couldn’t fend off this bloody flu virus by myself, I went out and got me some antibiotics.  Big yellow pills – 20 of them.  And I have to take them in 10 days. Now, you might be wondering why I titled this stupid blog post with that stupid pun. Well, I’m glad you […]

The Robots of Love – Mobile Version

Here it finally is.  I had to get over the 7MB upload file limit for this blog.  That’s why it’s in 15 files. So if you have a mobile device, such as the iPod Touch (Fuck Apple, btw), or an Android phone, or even a Pocket PC, go ahead and download these to look at […]

Song of the Day – “One More Time” by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Demo version, that is.  I reckon.  You can’t talk about things from “The South” without saying “I reckon” every now and then.  I reckon. I only know the demo version of this song.  The YouTube search results tell me that there is a version of this song on “Street Survivors”.  Determining the veracity of that […]

A new phone

Something very bizarre happened to me a couple of months ago.  I received a call from someone at Rogers Canada, my phone company.  They had noticed that the majority of the “minutes” I spend on my phone are taken in the evening on weekdays.  This is because of my phone sex dalliances, of course. The […]

Rant of the Day – Whatever the fuck comes to mind

That is the image that appeared first in a Google image search when I entered “whatever the fuck comes to mind” in the search box. Not bad. I was going to blab a little bit about how I’m reading a lot of Roman history now.  I was going to do this when I talked about […]

Song of the Day – “The Wonderful Future” by Our Lady Peace

I just went hunting in Rhythmbox for a song to yap about, because the one that I heard on my way home is a little to long for a “Song of the Day” post.  That song, over 47 minutes long, is actually an entire album played live.  The band is Camel, and the album is […]

Song of the Day – “The Future Now” by Peter Hammill

Oh, that Peter Hammill! Always running about with a crazed look in his eyes and his half-beard.  You see, he was born with a full mustache and beard on the right side of his face.  And pointing his thumbs ever outward. No, that’s not true.  This is a good song, however.  It’s about how The […]

Nice pics

I’ve had these pics on my desktop for a couple of months… I was going to post them to the ol’ blog here to show to some artists over at Fembot Central. Well, here they are.  Click on the images to see them full-size. Start mannippin’!

Eat, Drink, Sex, Sleep, Dream

It’s way past my bedtime.  I have however, against sound financial judgment, shelled out more cash for phone sex.  I have a big sloppy grin on my face, and I believe it will stay with me for days as it often does.  This happiness is important to me because I used to be depressed.  For […]