Civ2, Russian around, and Rasslin

So, there’s another day wasted.  All I did today was read news, funny stuff and assorted articles on Wikipedia while I played Civilization II.  I’m Russian.  Actually, in real life my dad is an ethnic German Russian.  A Volga German.

So I do claim a certain affinity with things Russian.  Especially this:

Okay, so I have no idea whether or not the actress who played Ninotchka on that corny old “Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling” show is actually Russian.  But my god, she looked great in that red spandex.  I liked her primarily because she had a big ass.

… and I can not lie.

Also, with the character’s attitude and the “stiff” way that lady acted, it was very easy for me to imagine her as a Soviet made fembot.  It still is, actually.

Now, don’t go thinking that I’m a fan of wrestling, or as I call it, Rasslin.  I don’t care for fiction, and Rasslin falls squarely under the category of fiction.








Also, even if Rasslin were a “sport”, I don’t like sports.

So what did I accomplish today?  Well, my feet no longer hurt as much as they did.  They still hurt though.  Also, my legs don’t hurt so much any more, and I’m no longer so tired that my eyes hurt to keep them open.

Thank you job, you fucking bastard that pays me with one hand and clubs me with the other.  Being active and staying in shape is one thing, but when I need 3 whole fucking days just to stop being in pain, something is amiss.