
Ah, that great prog rock band from the ’70s, GÁ©nesis.  You know the one, from Colombia.

Or were you thinking of Genesis from England?

So was I when I first saw GÁ©nesis mentioned.  It’s basically the same name.  I found out about this band (the one from Colombia) when I read a joke someone made about their favourite Genesis album being Yakta Mama.  So I had to look them up.  I was intrigued, so I had to give them a listen.

And I’m glad that I did because I really, really liked what I heard.  Somebody has been kind enough to rip the vinyl and put it up on YouTube, so listen while you can before the dickhead asshats at YouTube take them all down:

This is all really good stuff, except for the last one which is kind of straightforward ’80s pop.  But all of it is blended with a touch of Colombian folk music, which gives it a really mellow vibe in spots.  Don’t ask me what any of the lyrics are about, I don’t understand Spanish.