Robotman’s Cheap Classic Console Calendar 2018

Twas a day after Christmas and up on my wall

Hung last year’s cheap calendar crude layout and all

I glanced at the date and the days that were left

And knew that of new calendars I was bereft

So up off my lazy ass I had to go

And think of more game consoles that I did know

But most of the good ones had prior been used

Which left me perplexed and a little bemused

Until I decided to highlight those failures

Of hardware that never quite made it to players

With one grand exception, home version of Pong

Which sold mega shitloads and doesn’t belong

But other than that I think this one’s quite neat

We’ve got twelve consoles more but we sure ain’t complete

So next year might bring around yet more obscure

But I’ll enjoy these twelve rarities now that’s for sure

  • 01 1972 Magnavox Odyssey
  • 02 1975 Atari Pong
  • 03 1977 Bally Astrocade
  • 04 1982 Emerson Arcadia 2001
  • 05 1987 Action Max
  • 06 1987 Atari XEGS
  • 07 1991 Phillips CDi
  • 08 1993 Amiga CD32
  • 09 1995 Casio Loopy
  • 10 1995 Super A’Can
  • 11 1996 Apple Bandai Pippin
  • 12 2006 Mattel HyperScan

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