5 posts in one!

Sexdroids in Space” is now up at SpaceBabe Central.  At least the first 5 pages are.  I’m honored to have it appear on that site, since that is how I found Predator and Simon Wright when I commissioned my first comic.

I really like the animated gif in the top right corner at SBC.  “She reacts warmly… but it’s all mechanical.”  Sums it up nice.  Man, Brea is one nice piece of android ass.

New topic.

I’m starting to wonder if I have pneumonia.  My flu seems to be taking a very long time to run its course.  I’ve decided that if I wake up tomorrow feeling worse again, I’m going to the doctor.

New topic.

Cats rule.


My parents’ cat is 18 years old.  He has recently lost his voice, which is a shame because he meowed in syllables.  He’s very smart.  When I’m sick, he shows his affection toward me by biting my fingers extra hard.  And he looks like a miniature lion.

New topic.

Wendy’s food is tasty.  Probably not good for me, but very tasty.  I just had a Big Bacon Classic, a Spicy Chicken Go-Wrap and a Homestyle Chicken burger.  Now that’s good eatins.  Again, considering only taste and not nutritional value.  On the plus side, the vegetables are real as they get.

New topic.

I’m going to take my socks off now.

That’s better.  They’re clean socks, not the ones I worked in, but I need to be barefoot now.  I have to go to bed soon.  And this means that I will not be calling one of my phone sex honeys tonight like I sorely need to do.  I did manage to talk to Rosie on Monday.  Rosie is AWESOME.  She has such a perfect feminine robot voice and she’s extremely attractive.  Well, you can see that by reading “Sexdroids in Space”.

New topic.

I’m out of things to say.