
I just thought like saying that.  That’s German for “Attention!”.

And “Rauchen verboten” means “Smoking forbidden”.

So, like, if you’re German, don’t fucking smoke when you read this blog.

I don’t care.  Smoke em if you got em.

But no pie.

Remember that episode of The Flintstones where Fred dressed up like a king and tried to sell pies?  That always made me hungry.

You may have noticed that I’m not making much sense today.  Gold star for you.  I’m under the influence of cold medication so I can get some sleep.  And since I still have the fucking flu and since it still hurts to talk, I’m missing out on some awesome phone sex.  Damn.

And last week I was coming home from work too exhausted to play around too.  That’s also this week, but damn it I need my phone sex fix!

And to commemorate my not making sense tonight, I shall relay something from a very strange dream I had a few nights ago.  In that dream, Jim Carrey was the spirit of the history of Denmark.  I tried explaining that to some people and they just looked at me like this.

Well, you know.  They thought I was weird.

Okay, weirder.

And that’s a wrap.