Song of the Day – “Eight Times Over Miss October” by Clutch

Sivs and peas.

I read a bit about this song on the interwebs a while ago… actually… I do believe it was a “multimedia” presentation on the Elephant Rider’s CD itself… but somehow this song was inspired by tales of witches and pilgrims back in the early days of the American colonies.

Alien colonoscopies are completely unrelated.  As for underrated… I would have to disagree.  If the aliens ever abduct me I would only ask for a bunch of female androids to serve me.  In the name of Science, of course.

Anyhoo… this is the very first Clutch song I ever heard.  A guy I worked with had this playing on his discman/speakers setup… and I heard it playing as I worked in that area.  I knew then I HAD to have it.  It’s a fucking awesome song.  And the album from whence it came, 1997’s The Elephant Riders is hands down my favorite Clutch album.

Upon first listening, I thought the song was about a man and a woman parting ways.  Might be.  No one can really tell what Neil Fallon is singing about half the time, but his lyrics are among the best in rawk music.

The proper way to pronounce “Rock Music”, by the way, is to make it sound halfway between “rock” and “rack”.

I will repeatedly type out the word “rawk” as you pronounce it… this is to help you better in your new goal of pronouncing “Rock Music” properly.






That ought to do it.  I didn’t cheat either by copying and pasting… those Rawks were hand typed by Yours Truly.

I’m trying to think of the name for when two different ….. Polyrhythms.  Look it up.  This song has em.  It’s like a brutal hard rawk version of what King Crimson does so confoundingly well.  And you can almost dance to this!

Almost.  As I told a coworker… I don’t dance because I look stupid and graceless when I attempt to do so.  So I do not attempt to disco.

I love the bass riff that makes it sound like it’s slipped a bit out of key too.  Sadly, I’ve heard this song WAY to many times for it to have the effect now on me as it did when I first heard it.  But it still grooves, and that huge, deep bass drum still pounds.   Jean-Paul Gaster is one hell of a great drummer.

He knows how to RAWK!

So now that you are pronouncing “Rock Music” in the correct manner, you must attain a stunning mullet and a Camero.  The Camero should be white, as should your tight jeans.  A gold eagle on a chain helps, and if you can, grow a mustache.

I was just looking on Wikipedia to see if I got the drummer’s name right… and I found this quote on file sharing:

“As a musician, I think it is irrelevant to me. It exists and it is out there and no matter what I try and do about it, it will always be there. I don’t mind kids trading tapes, that’s totally cool. Videos are cool too. They only add to the live show. A kid might show that to some of their friends and they might think that we are cool and might come out and see us next time.

The reality is that an artist has to have a record go gold, before they are even going to see a dime. Bands put out 3 or 4 records on a label and never see a dime from record sales. So, it is not like people who are downloading would be putting a dollar in my pocket if they would have bought the record. The industry is set up so that the record company will immediately get paid from record sales. So…download all you want!!!

I think that the internet has changed the record industry and will continue to do so. The record labels will find some way to make money. I think that the artists main concern is to concentrate on their live performance and be the best artist that they can”.

My opinion of this man has just increased.  See what happens when people think about stuff?  They come to logical conclusions!