Bring back Windows 3.1!

So, my opinion of Ed Bott is that he’s a shill and an Áœber Fanboy for Microsoft.  Still, this is fucking hilarious.

And it has me thinking of Windows 3.1.

A while ago I watched this video of someone running Windows 3.1 on a Nokia phone.

Pretty neat trick.  I have a very old monochrome Toshiba laptop with Windows 3.1 on it.  It’s never really worth digging out and using because it’s a) monochrome and b) kind of broken.  The power plug-in has a short in it, and the slightest touch of the cord when plugged in will make it lose the power connection.  And the battery is dead.

But being a geek, and being a sucker for old-school 16-bit graphics, I have always like the look and feel of Windows 3.1.  I’ve even trolled e-bay a couple of times looking for an old non-broken colour laptop that will run Windows 3.1 just so I could play around with it.  I would actually (seriously now, no foolin’) use it for writing.  And old games.

And check out this interesting bit of software.  This is a “shell” for Windows 3.1 that gives the OS some of the functionality that was later added in Windows 95.  Some of the screenshots make my geek heart beat a little faster.

And somewhere on the net there are tweaks that allow Windows 3.1 to access more of a modern systems memory, and display higher resolution desktops.  I think that’s fascinating.

Normal people either don’t remember Windows 3.1, or they do and they would think I’m weird, even for a geek.  But give me an old-ish laptop with the right specs, and a fresh install of Windows 3.1, and just watch me create things on it.  I’d even give that old Netscape Navigator a spin and see what I could see on whatever net connection I could muster up on it.

Speaking of mustard, I had some delicious powdered mustard on top of some smoked salmon on top of some other things today for supper.  Delicious.

And speaking of operating systems again, I think I’ll actually download and install the upcoming version of Ubuntu on my netbook now that I’ve brought it home from work.  I skipped 9.10 entirely because of some rather bad things I read about it.  And I’ve read a similar amount of different bad things about 10.04, so I know I won’t be bothering to install it on any other computers I own.  God damn it Mr. Shuttleworth, the window control buttons go on the right!  RIGHT!!!

That’s a moot point anyway for me since I’m not really a fan of GNOME any more.  I like LXDE too much.  I think I’ll look at the Lubuntu project home page again and see if there will indeed be a Lubuntu this time around.