I get shit done with old tech

Well, there’s no song in my head right now… and I don’t remember anything special coming on the iPod this morning… so no song of the day.  I’m all tired and beat up from working all week too… yesterday was way fucking brutal.

But I did get to talk to a hot lady acting like a robot… so that’s definitely good.

All I want to say today is that the WordPress blog entry interface fucking sucks.  I no longer use it for these posts… I’m actually using a VERY old freeware program for Windows 95 called “Cetus CWordPad”.  I’m using version 3.0, the final version after the author abandoned the project.  This program is basically WordPad for Windows 95 with spellcheck and fullscreen mode.

It’s also very fast.  This here computer I’m using isn’t all that speedy… it’s about 6 years old now and it shows its age.  Open Office is too feature-rich for my needs usually… and AbiWord is kind of slow to respond.  So CWordPad it is.  I’m just glad it can run on XP.

So back to WordPress.  They put a spellcheck feature in the text entry window.  It’s WAY fucking slow and has made my browser crash once.  It’s not even needed because Firefox has auto-spellcheck for text fields.  And THAT feature doesn’t work in the WordPress window.

So left to my own devices.  I wrote all of my novel and my many stories on this computer, with CWordPad, so I think it can handle my rambling, inane and dumb blog posts.

Homer sleep now.