Uncle Furry’s blog

Let’s go, let’s go,
Down to Furry’s blog where I wanna lie low
Low life, high life, woah let’s go,
Take me down to Furry’s blog
Everybody tag alog!

Lyrics by Wings, fucked up by Robotman

So my friend Uncle Furry has a blog.  Check it out!  He has a rudimentary command of the English language!  Just like I!

I tried leaving a comment on his blog, but I couldn’t. :(

Had I been able to leave a comment, here’s what I would have said:

Let me tell you about meandering, Bucko!  This reminds me of how I was on my way to get some things for that stuff, and then once the paint had dried, there were no helicopters left.  Honestly, I can’t recall a moment when I ever had enough Skittles to full up the whole thing.  It was an eerie silence, and the bright colours didn’t make it any more palatable.  That was when the chef knew he had made one too many omelets.  These things just sort of pile up on you, you know.  I never thought there was anything I could do about it, until Jenny Craig got hit by a bus.  Man, am I glad I wasn’t around to see that!  She never saw it coming either.  That’s why to this day the cellophane “security seal” on my bottles of contact lens solution tend not to be affected at all when I untwist and remove the cap.  They’re supposed to look a little different, and that’s why all the other kids made fun of him.  They didn’t understand his gravitational force attracting asteroids to itself and the other outer planets, thus saving the inner planets and the Earth from many catastrophic meteorite impacts.  The painting didn’t show any of this.  It was a sketch actually.  The bull had gored the mayor and held him aloft, defiantly aloft, even.  All of the action takes place in the lower-right.  This use of free space predates later impressionist works by almost a century.  Just give me Monet.  That’s what I want.   I may be stupid, but it wasn’t LAST night!