Song of the Day – “Psychic Vacuum” by Voivod

Please excuse the low quality of this video’s sound.  The song is really excellent, trust me.  The low bitrate here doesn’t do it any favours.  If you have the album “Dimension HatrÁ¶ss”, pop that in your stereo/player/whatever now.


I don’t know who that old dude is.  I just Googled “Insistence” for a pic.  Aren’t I clever!

Special Coyote is SPECIAL!!!

So this 1988 album is a concept album.  I won’t go into details, because Voivod’s first 5 albums are all concept albums and they all tell a story.  They all tell one single story, that is.  This album is the 4th installment.  After album #5, they ran out of ideas for this story and wrote lyrics about other stuff.

Does it sound to you like the singer is singing in French?  That’s just his thick (sorry, tick) French accent.  These guys are from Quebec.  And check out the amazing artwork on their early album covers.  The drummer drew those himself.  Talented man, he.  Also schizophrenic.  It seems he fell on his head when he was a kid… he hit the pavement and cracked his skull open.  Schizophrenic since then.

But the good type of Schizophrenic, I guess.  The kind that makes you one of the best heavy metal drummers in the world and makes you draw fucking awesome album covers.

He came up with most of the story ideas for their lyrics too.  In this song, the protagonist… I don’t think I’d call him a hero… is having his thoughts drained out of his brain by the Psychic Vacuum.  And this marks the only occurrence of me ever hearing someone pronounce “Vacuum” with three syllables.

I swear this singer is actually singing French on their first album, the accent is so thick.  I think that’s fucking cool for an 80s thrash (sorry, trash) metal band to be from Quebec.  And sing in English so that people outside of Quebec will listen to them.

Maybe don’t check out the video, just the audio.  Videos are lame.  This one is kind of stupid.  The song, when played REALLY FUCKING LOUD on a quality stereo, actually sounds scary.  There aren’t many bands that can make their music scary.  Plenty of them try, but the way these guys put the chords, tones, rhythms and structures of this song together is an example of when it really works.

Unless you’re listening to the crappy quality of this YouTube link.  Sorry about that.

I don’t have a whole lot more to say, other than if you like Thrash Metal, then go out and get Voivod’s first 5 albums.  If you like the band despite themselves, get the two that followed.  If you like REALLY heavy NÁ¼-Metal, then pick up the two that followed those.  And if you like to hear what a bunch of old heavy metal rockers sound like when they’re proving they still have the old spark, get their last two.

But the first 5, definitely.