Eat, Drink, Sex, Sleep, Dream

It’s way past my bedtime.  I have however, against sound financial judgment, shelled out more cash for phone sex.  I have a big sloppy grin on my face, and I believe it will stay with me for days as it often does.  This happiness is important to me because I used to be depressed.  For a solid 2 decades in fact, I was suicidal.

So I’ll take my happiness and keep it, thank you very much.  And if that requires a lovely lady to talk to me in an emotionless monotone and tell me that she’s a fembot, then that’s what will happen.


In other news, there’s an interesting discussion going on right now over at Fembot Central.  It’s about that ugly, ugly sex doll that someone has tried to pass off as a robot.  I’m not going to say any more about it because it will spoil the visions of beautiful fembots currently dancing in my head.

Actually I will say that the one and only David Levy has joined the discussion on FC too.

And I think I must go to bed now.  I may actually end up doing work at work tomorrow!