Song of the Day – “Paste” by Pluto

Now here’s an interesting album cover:

I had only heard this song by this band when I bought that album back in 1996.  Yes, I bought it on the strength of the one song and the nice image of a girl dressed up to look like a robot.  She sure looks like a robot to me.

No more pics of her anywhere else inside the album, I can report.  And the rest of the album is actually quite good.  I downloaded this band’s next album from their MySpace page, where it is offered free because their record company deleted it from their catalogue.

Go ahead and download it if you like “pop punk”, which is all this music is.  It’s nothing special or fancy.  Their self-titled album was much better.  I can see why their label dumped them after the next one.

And seeing that MySpace page again, I see they’re offering the album “Pluto” free for download too.  You know what to do.  Go ahead and grab that one.

I feel I must also say something about the music video link I posted above.  I couldnt’ watch for more than 30 seconds.  Videos are so retarded.  I’ve never liked watching a video with the music… even when I used to “watch” MuchMusic with my ex, I would usually just listen.

My ex didn’t like this album… or this song.  She loved Collective Soul and Soul Assylum as I recall.  Funny how the feelings of someone else can influence how you like something later on.  I don’t have anything from those two bands on my iPod but I have some Pluto and I Mother Earth and some other stuff she didn’t like.

And I really don’t have much more to say about the song… other than I got it when I bought a pair of jeans from Eaton’s downtown.  Here in Canada, we once had stores called Eaton’s.  They were once the biggest retailers in Canada, now they’re a memory.  But anyway, I remember going to the til with my jeans, and there was this really cute blonde girl behind the desk.  Being my idiot 22-year-old self, I mumbled and probably stuttered a bit and made a complete ass of myself because she was pretty.  I remember that it was only after I got home that I realized there was this promotional CD in the bag too.

I pulled it out, exclaimed WTF and threw it in the CD player… my Sony Discman plugged into my stereo.  I remember the CD also had Ma$e on it.  Lol.  Ma$e.  He’s a preacher now.  Rich man braging about all his posessions for Jesus.  What a fucking joke.

Eaton’s reminds me of this.