Song of the Day – “Jackson” by Slim Cessna’s Auto Club

Looky here!  Today’s song of the day is not just meaningless rambling and bad jokes propped up by a YouTube link!  No-sirree-Jack!

Today, you will be able to download this very song and add it to your music collection!  All legit and all for free!

Thanks go to the good folks in Slim Cessna’s Auto Club and the good folks at Alternative Tentacles.

Some background now.  Slim Cessna’s Auto Club is my favorite Country Music group.  They are the only Country Music group I listen to, so it’s not hard for them to hang on to that top spot.  I also listen to Steve Earle, but he’s not a group.

It’s definitely worth checking out the other free mp3s offered by Slim Cessna’s Auto Club.  Just type “Cessna” into that thar search box.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am certainly not the Master of Search Boxes, so you may find your way about this easier than I did.  I found it right away, but that’s a secondary concern when I’m making jokes about my mental ability.

Once you download all those great, great tunes, you can burn em onto an old-fashioned Compact Disc, just like Gramma used to make!  They will fit nicely on one disc.  You can also put them on your newfangled iPod, or, heaven help, one of them slick new “iPads”.

Speaking of unjustified hype, have you seen the iPad?  I don’t want one, and that’s saying a lot.  I want every new techno gizmo, so to not want something like the iPad means it appeals to me in negative values.


So, if you’re listening to Jackson, you must know that this is the “heaviest” song the band has ever done.  Then again, I haven’t heard their new album, which I just found out about when I loaded the mp3 page.  Holy hootenannies, I need to get that album.  All of this band’s music is fucking great.  It will make you dress only in denim overalls, drink moonshine and chew a wheatstalk between your teeth while you drunkenly teach yourself to whittle.

The band’s talent and ability transcend even my own strong hatred for country music!  Yay!

And “Jackson” is a happy song!  Yay!

Sorry, I was momentarily confused.  “Jackson” is NOT a happy song.  The band has happy songs too.  Disturbing songs, funny songs, weird songs, lonesome songs and yippie-kai-yay songs.

Is that how you spell yippie-kai-yay?  Oddly enough, I never seem to have opportunities to use that word in my prose.

Steamrolling right along…..

Alternative Tentacles is the record label started by Mr. Jello Biafra.  If you know who THAT is, you’re saying “Alright!  JELLO!!!”

If you don’t know who that is, Google him.

Or sit right back and I’ll tell a tale
A tale of a Punk-Rock band
From San Fransisco area
That cops couldn’t stand
That cops couldn’t stand

The band had Jello Biafra
Who sings in warbling tones
Unique as any snowflake he
With no real clones
With no real clones

The band recorded albums great
And singles fine to boot,
With “Frankenchrist”
Dead Kennedys
Got infamous
For a while
But they broke up
And Jello’s been solo since

Here on Gilligan’s Isle!

Some say I have a talent for this idiotic poetry I do.  Meh.  That doesn’t take talent… just a bit too much fucking time on my hands.

So Jello started Alternative Tentacles, and they sell records.  In CD form.  I don’t know if they sell downloads.  I could look very easily.  My browser is open on the site right now.  That window is JUST under this one.  Meh

Fuck, I’m lazy.

So listen to Slim Cessna’s Auto Club was the point I’m trying to get across.  Even if you don’t like Country Music, you will LOVE this music if you let it get under your skin.

And hey, why not check out some of the other stuff on the Alternative Tentacles mp3 page?  Freely downloadable and sharable.  See what happens when people remove greed from the equation?  Everybody wins!  Yay!