A free $25 gift you say?

So I just got an email from my phone service provider.  I’m not going to name names, but they operate as virtual monopolies whether you live in the US or Canada, so they’re all about as horrible and I despise them all about as much.  Except Telus.  Fuck Telus.  I hate them the most.  And it wasn’t Telus because I will never deal with Telus again.

But anyway, I got an email from them offering me a free gift with a $25 value just because they’re such nice people and just because I’m such a great customer.  So I googled a bit to see if this was a scam.  Someone could be trying to phish for me data, you know.

But as it happens, it’s legit.  And also as it happens, the “gifts” are all not exactly worth much.  In fact, they’re really just promotions to try to get me to buy more services from them.

Here’s a list of the “gifts”.  I get to choose one:

  • a $25 promotion for the “Shopping Channel”.  I don’t watch TV.  I’ve never even heard of the Shopping Channel.  I fear for the future of Humanity to know that the Shopping Channel even exists.  The days ahead will be dark for our world.
  • a 3 or 6 month magazine subscription.  Magazines?  What year is this?!
  • 3 months of 1.5GB/month free for signing up to a more expensive data plan.  Uh… no.
  • unlimited texting within the US for July.  I live in Canada.  I don’t intend to travel to the US in July.

I was expecting something at least useful, you know, like a decorative set of pens or something.  Don’t these telcos have enough of our fucking money already?  This kind of insulting bullshit – along with the high prices I pay for not much service – would normally be enough to switch to a cheaper and better competitor.  But they’re all the same.