To the FUTURE!!!

Cue scientifical music.

That’s better.

This post is the first post written on my “writing laptop” since I dun reformatted the hard drive since I dun got me a rootkit on it.  See below for the horrid, treacherous details of that.  Sordid?  Yeah, add sordid to that list of adjectives too.

Am I making any sense?  I don’t know.  I have a cold.  I got a fucking cold from one of the cretins I work with.  And I just ended a sentence with a preposition.  OH GOD HAVE MERCY UPON MY SOLE!

I clearly need medication.  What a wonderful coincidence!  I was just visiting my Doctress today (that’s not a word) and she recommended doubling my dosage of Topiramate.  So I’m taking 50mg twice daily to try to prevent my lovely wonderful migraines.  I prefer getting migraines to people I have to work with now.  Okay, I better not go into an angry rant again.  The stress of being unemployed is probably greater than the stress of dealing with people who don’t know right from wrong.

DAMN IT!  I was trying to stop ranting.  Okay, some pictures will help change the subject.  Remember how I had the Linux side of this laptop all set up to look all goofy and corny like a cross between Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows 98?  Well, I got tired of that look and decided to make it look a little Mac-like.  Though I’ve never used a modern Mac, so I don’t really know how close it is.  This is Lubuntu by the way.


Anyway, I originally booted up this laptop because I was determined to start properly reviewing albums, and I was going to review a Deep Purple album, which was the original purpose of this blog, but I got distracted by the fact that I can’t really think straight and that I’m getting a fucking cold again and that my laptop gave me hours of computer geek shinyness playtime OS install fun to have….

What was I saying?

Oh, on the Windows XP side of this laptop, I didn’t reinstall XP home from the Compaq reinstall disc like I dun done before… and I instead installed XP Pro.  And wouldn’t you know it, all of my video game emulators work.


Now back to hard-core geek stuff.  I had to install xcompmgr to get transparency on Cairo Dock, and Cairo Dock doesn’t like LXDE, so some of the file manager options aren’t really in use.  Meh.  If you understood that last sentence then you earn ten bonus points!