There’s always time for fembots

Well, there’s another weekend over with no time to get stuff done.  Actually, I got stuff done, but it was all work.  Bleh.  I do that all fricken week.

I didn’t even have time for my usual day of vegetation.  Usually on Saturday, I sit around and play video games.  Oh well.  Those video games I like that are all at least 10 years old will still be around next week.

Actually, I have a lot to do next week too.  Sigh.

At least I managed to get another article on FembotWiki.  Articles are mighty sparse there.  I wish more people would contribute.

Check it out anyway, it’s about one of the original fembots from the old “Bionic Woman” show.  Actually, that would properly be “The Bionic Woman” as “Bionic Woman” refers to that stupid new version of the show that excluded fembots from its realm.

I’m so glad that shit never flew.  I believe it wasn’t even a full season before it got canceled.  There’s another fine example of Hollywood driving an idea into the fucking ground until it bleeds, implodes, bursts into flames and turns into soil.  Some suits saw how well the “reboot” of Battlestar Galactica did, and they decided that this was the idea of the moment to imitate.

I don’t watch TV or movies, so I normally don’t care about the soulless, anti-creative void that is Hollywood.  But when it comes to making TV shows or movies with fembots, I get concerned.  Let’s banish the remake of “The Stepford Wives” to the memory hole, shall we?

That dick head producer of the new “Bionic Woman” show proclaimed that there would certainly be no fembots in his version of the show.  He trumpeted that loud and clear from every rooftop he could even before the show aired.  That’s the only reason I’d even watch that show, so I’m so fucking glad his little copycat cookie-cutter project failed.

Now, if I had been in charge of re-making the Bionic Woman, I would make Dr. Franklin a very important figure indeed.  I wouldn’t bring him back, but I’d make sure some leftover vintage 1976 fembots got reactivated and started mass producing more fembots for every episode.  I think my version would never get aired though.  Too much Bionic Woman on fembot sex.

Come to think of it, every character would be constantly getting it on with some fembot or another.