The Great Furry Chase of ’06

I found it!  I freaking found it!

This was a dream I had some years ago.  I wrote it out as a chat in Yahoo Messenger to my buddy Keizo after I woke up.  I’ve tried to find this text file for years now too.  I finally found it looking through some old documents in the virtual installation of Windows XP that I use inside Ubuntu.  Who woulda thunk it?

So without further ado, here it is!

Robotman: I was at some peoples house, and through conversation i learned that i was in some alternate universe where everyone was a furry
Keizo: Dude.
Robotman: i also ended up admitting that i liked the hot bot chicks, and i got chased until i remembered to go back through some hole in some closet where i came in
Keizo: Damn!
Robotman: i now had some chick with me, a girlfriend i assume. when we got to the other side, we kissed and i gave her a .22
Robotman: i pulled out my bigger gun (which i always carry around, ya know  )
Keizo: Of course
Robotman: and i said “I have to find out what kind of universe this is” and i left her guarding the portal
Robotman: then i took some 10 year old kid with me, he was like a son i guess
Keizo: Weird
Robotman: i gave him another .22 (i had LOTS of guns) and we hitailed it through the streets
Keizo: Sounds good
Robotman: it looked like europe, and actually it might have because there were roving gangs of soccer players/fans
Keizo: lol
Robotman: lo i naturally said i was a huge ‘football’ fan (  ) and went on my way with the kid
Keizo: Good thing they didn’t ask which team!
Robotman: we overturned some small car like a mini full of fat people (strange)
Robotman: lol
Robotman: then I looked up at this appartment building. “This is the place.” I said
Robotman: so we went inside and i told the kid “if you see anyone come up to you, just kill them. make sure you hit them the first shot because you’ll only get one.”
Robotman: he nodded and we heard people coming, so we hid
Keizo: That’s good advise
Robotman: it was then i noticed that the house was decorated 50s style, we ended up hiding behind a really neat looking fridge
Robotman: lol, always dude
Robotman: then when the footsteps passed I said “we have to get out of here” so we went to the balcony
Robotman: suddenly, the ground floor appt i entered was now 2 floors up over a very nice chinese landscape style rock garden
Robotman: really nice view
Keizo: cool
Robotman: anyway, i said “can’t go that way, we’ll have to blast our way out.”
Keizo: cooler
Robotman: the kid nodded, and I went first
Robotman: i immediately saw this ultra hot chick in a silver rubber outfit, kind of like that movie “Chrome” but not metal
Keizo: Coolest
Robotman: she saw me and reached for her hip holster, and for some reason i no longer had a gun in my hanf but had to pull one out of my jacket pocket
Robotman: i did just in time and shot her in the stomach
Robotman: i was about to say sorry when my dad came downstairs and woke me by taking my old busted chair away
Keizo: Did she bleed or spark?
Robotman: weird huh?
Robotman: she bled
Keizo: Damn
Robotman: i felt real bad because she was HOT
Keizo: Yeah. That’s bad
Robotman: anyway, as a funny end story, my dad took the chair away and put it in the back of the house to be thrown out
Robotman: ….. i still need it though until the new chair is assembled
Keizo: Crazy
Robotman: shit, you know what?
Keizo: ?
Robotman: i don’t know if it was the same dream, but i saw you dressed in a samurai outfit (with matching hair) and you were showing off your sword to someone like you were gonna slice his head off
Robotman: and I said “careful with that sword, Keizo”
Keizo: \LOL
Robotman: i just remembered that now
Robotman: too weird man

Well, I hope you enjoyed that.  The blank replies there were emoticons of some sort.  I just copied and pasted this from a Yahoo Messenger chat archive back then and never bothered to fill those in. :P

And now, more sleep!

Also, spot the Pink Floyd reference. ;)