I ride the turtle again!

Look at him!  He’s riding the turtle!

Actually, it’s a tortoise.  But who cares!

Look at him!

And like all slow rides, this ride gets you there eventually.

If you’ve been paying attention to this blog… and honestly, I don’t know who the fuck in their right mind would, I mean come on.  Even I don’t really pay attention to what I’m writing here, and I certainly don’t come back and read old posts to see how much I was complaining about work 3 weeks ago, or how much I was blabbering about how much I like phone sex last month.

See?  I’ve gone off on another stupid tangent again!  Curses!  Invocations!   Sorcery!!!

So where was I… Yes, you may have noticed that I am a big fan of LXDE and I give major fucking props to Mr. PCMan, AKA Hon Jen Yee.  Dude.   DUDE!  (and possible dudette reading this)  This man wrote most of LXDE and PCManFM (the file manager) himself!  I can barely write a coherent blog post by myself!  In fact, the sections of this post that actually make sense were written by a team of migrant Mexican workers!

And while we’re on the subject of who did what, here are the credits from the “about” section of PCManFM:

洪任諭 Hong Jen Yee <pcman.tw@gmail.com>

Source code taken from other projects:
* libmd5-rfc: Aladdin Enterprises
* Working area detection: Gary Kramlich
* ExoIconView: os-cillation e.K, Anders Carlsson, & Benedikt Meurer
* Text and icon renderer uses code from Jonathan Blandford
* Desktop icons use code from Brian Tarricone
* Volume management uses code from following projects/authors:
* gnome-vfs: David Zeuthen
* thunar-vfs and libexo: Benedikt Meurer
* gnome-mount: David Zeuthen

Gotta love open source, where the goal is to make something great and not to lock customers in with tricks.

Anyway (come on guys, put that tequila bottle down!  This has to make sense!) I like to use my file managers in “details” or “list” view.  When I rock Windows XP or Windows 98, Explorer gets set to “details”.  That’s the way I likes it.  I have little patience for the default icon view.  Here’s a pic to show what I’m talking about:

This is PCManFM, in “Icon” view.  It’s not in “List” view because of a certain bug that stops it from working that way in Ubuntu 10.04.  And that really fucking sucks because I LOVE PCManFM.  It’s more fully featured than Thunar (which comes with Xubuntu) and way faster than both Thunar and Nautilus, which comes with Ubuntu.

Now, here’s Nautilus (“List” mode) on my desktop:

I primarily use Nautilus now.  Why?  Well, for starters because I don’t want to use PCManFM if I can’t use it in List mode.  And Nautilus is no longer as slow as it used to be.  Nautilus used to be so slow that…. uh… that.

Okay, I must now turn to my talented team of Mexican migrant workers to come up with something poetic and sort of accurate to say.


El burro trabaja doble.  El indio no tiene la culpa sino el que lo hace compadre.

˙ɯᴉɥ s,puǝᴉɹɟǝq oɥʍ ǝuo ǝɥʇ ɟo ʇnq ʇlnɐɟ s,uɐᴉpuᴉ ǝɥʇ ʇou sᴉ ɥɔnɯ sɐ ǝɔᴉʍʇ sʞɹoʍ ssɐʞɔɐɾ ∀

That’s much better, isn’t it?  Now you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.  You may need to translate, but suffice to say, Nautilus is now reasonably fast.  In fact, I can’t tell much difference between its speed on this computer and that of Thunar.  And Nautilus has some cool features that Thunar and PCManFM don’t have.  It also has drawbacks, but it’s the best one I’ve used for Linux.

And don’t talk to me about Dolphin, the KDE file manager.  The only thing I can say about that one is how come the name doesn’t start with a K?

Okay guys, time to get back in that van and get back across the border.