Song of the Day – “Oooh.” by De La Soul

It’s not often that a rap song makes it into the ranks of my favourite songs.  Public Enemy and N.W.A. have some in there, but mostly my favourite songs are done by guys like this:

But this song is great.  Check out the actual video too, if you want to see some Wizard of Oz zaniness.

Oh, that De La Soul.

As far as I can tell, this song is about having a good time.  Nothing wrong with that.  One of the reasons why I don’t listen to as much rap as I used to is because of the dumb gang lyrics.  Okay, so you sell drugs and shoot people/have been shot.  I get it.

It gets kind of old after a while.  N.W.A. was big when I was in high-school, so that was part of my rebellion.  (I’ll show you, Mom & Dad!)  It also happens to be very finely crafted and catchy music.  Dr. Dre is famous as a producer for a reason, you know.

I’d go on and on about why this song stands out for me, but it’s not really something I can put into words.  At least not tonight.  I’m tired and sore.  Are you getting sick of reading that yet?  Maybe I should stop complaining.  After all, if I’m being overworked at my job it’s kind of my own damn fault.

I am actually kind of thankful for the one, sometimes two hours each day that I am forced to just sit down and listen to music as I ride to/from work.  It’s the only way I listen to the albums I have but have not listened to.  And that list is surprisingly long.  Makes me wonder if that money could have been better spent, but you all know me.  I’d spend it instead on fembot comics and phone sex.