My special talent

I’ve often asked people if they wanted to hear me make an extremely annoying and extremely loud noise.  They have wisely chosen not to hear this noise.  It is not accomplished with any tools, only my vocal chords.

I describe the sound as a cross between fingernails on a chalkboard and a loud screeching sound, all at the volume of a fire alarm.

I make this sound by exhaling first, then rapidly inhaling and sucking the air through my vocal chords while pinching them tight, as if I were singing a very high note.  It is loud.  And it is annoying.  And it sounds exactly like fingernails on a blackboard crossed with screeching at fire alarm volume.

Yesterday someone was foolish enough to say “Yes” when I asked her if she wanted to hear this most annoying and loud noise of mine.

I warned her. :P

It had been the first time I had made that noise for someone since the 1990s, because everyone I had asked since then had, wisely, said “No thanks.”

Now… if I could get paid somehow for doing this…