Song of the Day – “KooKooKa Fuk-U” by !!!


Pronounce THAT!  HA!

It’s actually pronounced this way:

  1. clench your teeth (not tightly)
  2. move your tongue to either the left or the right side of your mouth, and push it forward
  3. create suction with your tongue, compressing the air underneath and behind it
  4. release your tongue, pulling it back and away from your teeth while at the same time parting your lips on that side of your mouth in a half-side-smile.
  5. repeat steps 2 to 4 twice more in quick succession.


Now that you know how to pronounce the name of this band, click on this link to enjoy one of their finest songs.

Also, now that you know how to pronounce the name of this band, walk up to the next pretty girl you see and say “Do you like !!!?”

You will either get:

  • slapped
  • invited to a rave

Yes, !!! is a dance-band.  But a dance band like few others today, as they play their music with live instruments.  Kind of like things were done before the 80s…. there’s the awful, pale spectre of the 80s rearing its ugly head again… but with a modern sound.

Some take the easy way out and pronounce the band’s name “chk-chk-chk”.  That’s just fine if you wanna be a MR. WRONG GUY!!!  Actually, I don’t care how you pronounce this band’s name.  What’s important is that you go and get some of this band’s music.

Remember how I said I hate dance music?  I believe I said it something like this:

“I fucking hate dance music.”

I say fuck too much on this blog.  So fucking sue me.  Fucker.

Any fucking way, I don’t like the dance music that only sounds good when you’re high on “E” or some other substance.  That would be most dance music.  I like the stuff that’s interesting.  You know, the stuff that’s dynamic, and that changes tempo, key, time signature even.  (Yes, you can dance to something that’s not 4/4.  It’s not done often, but it can happen.)

Rambling right along, I had phone sex again tonight.  It was good.  It wasn’t great.  I say this because although the lady had a nice voice, and although she talked like an emotionless machine, and although I was able to get her to open all her access panels and remove her facemask, and dress in sexy lingerie, and activate another robot and fuck that robot from behind… despite all that, I could tell that she wasn’t the girl in her picture.  That was not a shapely 20-something girl.  That was a big 40-something woman from the Southern U.S.   Not that I don’t like big 40-something women from the Southern U.S.  On the contrary.  I’ve had many nice fembot phone sex calls with a big plump lady of such description, and I fucking LOVED it.

But I didn’t get what I ordered tonight.

Why do I always get the kind of girl I didn’t order yeah?

Sorry.  Those are song lyrics.  THAT song would make a kick-ass song of the day.  Google the lyrics if you want to know what song it’s from.

That’s a great way of identifying songs, btw.  Yes, I’m talking to you Jen.  Jen, my ex’s roommate from 1996 who was always… fucking ALWAYS asking “Who sings this?  What’s this called?” when a song came on the radio.  I still wish I had gotten Jen instead of my ex.  Hell, I was trying to get into Jen’s pants and somehow I missed and got involved with my ex.


Jen had a fucking NICE ass.  I’m reminiscing on it right now.   Mmmmmm.  She would make a nice fembot.  Dumb as a fucking rock, but so god damn pretty and also, she had a nice ass.  Nice hips and thighs too.  I’m not much of a breast man.  I’m all about the hips, thighs and buns.

And fembots.

Where was I…  Oh yeah.

If you’re looking for a friend, you should try being one first!
If you’re looking for a friend you can kiss my ass!
If you’re looking for a friend you can go fuck yourself!

Song lyrics again.  This time back on topic!! YAY!  I managed to get my rambling back to the song that I made you start listening to all those many wasted minutes ago.

So, understand, don’t waste your time always searching for those wasted years.
Face up, make your stand, and realize you’re living in the golden years.

More song lyrics.  Slightly more positive than what !!! is telling you right now.  Tsk tsk tsk.  Errr… uh… meh.  never mind.

This is a breakup song.  Ah, the breakup song.  When some people do breakup songs, they’re all “Oh, baby come back I need you.”  This one embraces hate.

Embrace hate!  Something we can all believe in!

When I typed that at first it said “Embrace hat!”  I will now show you the top Google image search result for “Embrace hat!”

Fuck, that was disappointing.  This one is far more interesting, though it wasn’t the first result like I had promised:

Kind of sucks to get disappointed like that.  Like when you phone up some chick for fembot phone sex, and you’re in the mood for a cute young lady and she’s… uh… probably not.  Meh.

This has gone on way too long.  I apologize for keeping you from more important matters.

Oh, wait wait… before you go… this joke was told to me by a certified “raver”, who actually got me into !!! when we worked together.  (The raver and me, not the band and me.)

Q: What did the ravers say when they ran out of drugs?

A: “Wow, this music sucks!”