Song of the Day – “Chocolate Rain” by Tay Zonday

Okay, this isn’t a song that I like much.  But my friend Uncle Furry has never even heard of this meme.  Actually, he’s never even heard of the word “meme”.

This can only mean one thing.  Uncle Furry spends his free time doing far more productive things than me.  So be it.

Would you believe I STILL haven’t done my taxes?  I may do them on Thursday.  That’s “Canada Day” for all you Non-Canadians out there.  It’s kind of like Independence Day for the Yanks, but rather than celebrate a victorious guerrilla war fought for independence from a colonial power, we celebrate the point at which Mother Britannia came along and said “Right then… can you get on with this whole country-running thing yourselves please?  Cheerio!”

That’s not incredibly accurate, historically speaking, but you get the idea.  The Queen of England is still technically our head of state.  God save the Queen!

Here’s a joke for you.

Q: What’s so great about the Canadian nickel?

A: ˙ɹǝʌɐǝq s,uǝǝnQ ǝɥʇ qnɹ puɐ ɹǝʌo ʇᴉ uɹnʇ uɐɔ no⅄

Okay, sorry for that.  That’s pretty fucking tasteless.  Also, some of you may not get it.  Whether this is due to unfamiliarity with the Canadian nickel, or whether this is due to the fact that you can’t read upside down text is an open question.

And what’s with that upside down text?  On my phone, I can’t get the characters too look right and all I see is a bunch of question marks.  Or maybe it’s just empty boxes.  Whatever.

I was going to provide you with a Canadian nickel wasn’t I?  Yes I was.  hang on.

Now you understand. Forecast to be falling yesterday.  I was going to talk some about this song too, wasn’t I?  Well, here it is.  I know I linked to it above, but I like doing things twice.  Not much to it.  The video is funny though, and not intentionally.  Mr. Zonday really is serious about being a recording artist.  I don’t think that’s why this video has over 53 million hits though.

So… want to hear another joke about the Queen?

Perhaps I’d better not.  Or maybe I’ll save it for another time.  I don’t know if CSIS is watching the interwebs for people saying bad things about ol’ Lizzie.