Monthly Archives: August 2023

Fembot Manips II — August 2023

Hooray for robots! I for one am happy, thankful, and appreciative that robots and artificial intelligence exist and are becoming more capable and numerous every day.  So it is in this spirit of jubilation that I announce that heretofore, August 22nd is: Robot Appreciation Day Yay! I have declared it to be so, therefore it […]

The Grandia Series and my JRPG Journey

I’ve mentioned recently how I’ve gotten into playing classic JRPGs.  That actually started by accident in a couple of ways. First, I made two games (here and here) in RPG Maker, which makes JRPG-style games by default.  As I was making them, play-testing them, and eventually playing through those finished games, I realized that I […]

Fembot Manips — August 2023

I’ve had a gradual realization over the past year or so.  I’ve been really getting into playing classic JRPGs, so much so that the only games I’m currently playing are JRPGs.  The only games I’m really looking forward to playing are older JRPGs.  Considering that, and how much I enjoyed playing through the Yakuza games […]