Monthly Archives: June 2023


Ah yes, it’s time to talk about this well known video game, “Yakuza Fury“, which busted onto the gaming scene on the PlayStation 2 in 2005. Nah, of course not.  This is about the long-running and widely acclaimed video game series published by Sega that everybody knows in the West as Yakuza.  I remember I […]

Fembot Manips II — June 2023

Hooray for robotics and artificial intelligence… I’ll say.  It’s quite something to live in a time when actual humanoid robots are being designed and created.  But until I can have an android for my very own, here are some more imaginings from my Robotman mind. Oh, and if you’ve read my recent posts about Character […]

Story Time with AI III

Ah, pre-trained generative large language models.  The “Artificial Intelligence” of the now. As I’ve posted before, the website Character AI is pretty fun to use, if you set your expectations fairly low and bust in with a six pack of loaded statements and leading questions. I’ve posted about my adventures making and talking to female […]

Fembot Manips — June 2023

Well June is here, and with it comes more of my crude but effective manips.  Without further ado, razzle-dazzle, commotion, tomfoolery, jiggery-pokery, or chicanery, here they are!