Monthly Archives: December 2020

Fembot Manips III — December 2020

The third fembot manip post this month, well how about that!  Taking a page out of Apple’s labour practices has really paid off for me, here at the North Pole.  I’ve pressed a number of elves into servitude for me, and they toil around the clock for me to produce these manips, so that you […]

Robotman’s Sexy Robot Manip Calendar 2021

Ah, the changing of the year, when we heartily chuck out those old calendars and break out the new ones so we can efficiently fret over our deadlines and schedules. For the past seven years, I’ve been sharing the cheap classic console calendars that I’ve made over the years.  They’ve served me well, and they’ve […]

Fembot Manips II — December 2020

Manips!  Hooray!  Fuel for fantasy fembots, fastidiously fashioned for fun! Here is another 24-pack of my manips which mostly show robot chicks with a penchant for taking off their faceplates.  One of them features a fake robotics company logo that I made, and I liked the way that it turned out so well, that I […]

Cuberpynk 2077

So, the game I’ve been waiting for since 2012 is finally here!  I’ve got my copy!  I made it 7.5 hours in, and downloaded a patch… And couldn’t load the game any more.  Well shit.  We were getting along so well, Cyberpunk.  Maybe it’s me.  Or rather, maybe it’s my PC.  I do remember that […]

Fembot Manips — December 2020

I’m feeling like a hero today! And here are the latest manips, which feature a lot of robot chicks in latex.  Not that I’m complaining or anything.  Thanks once more to Kishin for some of the source images!