Category Archives: Linux

Hurtin’ for Geek Cred

As I have bitched about below, I had a printer die on me recently.  The new one is on the way, but since I had to shell out a good $400 for it, my credit card was put damn near its limit. My ISP wasn’t able to bill the card, so I had to write […]

First impressions of Lubuntu

Well, out of boredom and a need to express my geekdom in as many ways as I can, I’ve installed “Lubuntu” on my netbook. Lubuntu, for those not in the know, is the variant of Ubuntu that uses LXDE as its desktop environment.  I use LXDE over Ubuntu or Xubuntu on most of my computers.  […]

Bring back Windows 3.1!

So, my opinion of Ed Bott is that he’s a shill and an Áœber Fanboy for Microsoft.  Still, this is fucking hilarious. And it has me thinking of Windows 3.1. A while ago I watched this video of someone running Windows 3.1 on a Nokia phone. Pretty neat trick.  I have a very old monochrome […]

Back from the Robot Lab

Well, nothing of substance to say tonight.  You see, I’ve just spent more of my hard-earned money on phone sex with a lovely lady through the NiteFlirt website.  Giggity. I do want to mention something I forgot to complain about in my Ubuntu post just below.  Who the fuck put the window control buttons on […]

The state of Ubuntu

I saw some recent screenshots of the latest version of GNOME, which apparently is in contention for being an early version of GNOME 3.0.  I hate it. I see a very nasty trend in GUI design lately.  That trend is all about eye candy.  Eye candy and the need to cater to stupid people who […]

Well, lawdy freakin daw

I’m sure many of you out there have noticed that motherfucking godawful bloody Daylight Saving time has cursed us all with its presence one more time.  Except for folks in Saskatchewan.  Why did they realize that DST is a useless fucking turd and not the rest of us? Anyhoo, you’ve probably guessed by now that […]

Firefox no longer pisses me off!

That’s me!  Look how happy I am!  And look how shiny my coat is! Seriously, I’m no longer thinking about ditching the Linux version of Firefox.  Since I did my little experiment with installing and using the daily builds, I’m enjoying the quickness and light weight of the browser.  I just uploaded some pics and […]

I’ve finally upgraded Firefox!

This is actually exciting news on Linux.  As much as I love Linux, there’s one thing I can not stand about it.  The way that software gets installed is a fucking mess. I’ve learned the hard way that unless you are a Linux programmer, you shouldn’t try to install anything outside of what your distro […]

A new phone

Something very bizarre happened to me a couple of months ago.  I received a call from someone at Rogers Canada, my phone company.  They had noticed that the majority of the “minutes” I spend on my phone are taken in the evening on weekdays.  This is because of my phone sex dalliances, of course. The […]

Just browsing, thanks

Firefox is a very fine browser.  It’s full-featured, and it allows for the use of some excellent add-ons.  It used to be the fastest browser out there for Windows. As far as Linux is concerned, Firefox is a sludgy molasses pit.  Things have improved a bit since Firefox 2.0, but it’s nowhere near what it […]

“LXDE – the cure for what ails our older PCs”

Not my headline, but one from Christopher Dawson over at ZDNet.  Seeing as how I’m under the effect of another bloody Chinook headache, and seeing as how I can’t get the neurons firing to think of a topic to blab about myself, I will just let you read that. And read this too, because it’s […]

Of Fanboys and Shills

I used to read ZDNet News quite frequently.  I still check the site out every other day or so, but the content is nothing like it used to be.  A few years ago there was some sort of shakeup at ZDNet.  The site’s top editor and most of the genuine journalists went bye-bye. I remember […]

Coming out of a cold snap

I just want to rant and whine about how cold it is now.  Last night it was forecast to go down to -34.4.  This is all Celsius, btw.  When it gets past -20 it’s all just too fucking cold anyway, so I don’t really know if it got THAT cold.  But I’ve been watching the […]

My first PC

This is a love story. No, not the kind of love I have for female androids.  I never have and never will fondle or fuck a PC. My first PC is a vintage 1998 HP Pavilion 8260.  Back then, it cost me $2599 and included only a mouse, keyboard, monitor and speakers. The specs and […]