Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Night of the Living Flu

The Flu that Wouldn’t Die! Verrry Scarrry! Yes, it’s back.  It never really went away, and now I’m toasting my sneezes, my coughing and my runny nose with more cough syrup.  I haven’t had anything stick around this long since I had Bronchitis.  Bleh.

My, how things change

Yesterday was an odd day.  There’s an old saying in Calgary…. “If you don’t like the weather in Calgary, wait 5 minutes.” How very true.  Yesterday, while I was at work, I opened a bay door to see that the sun was out for the first time in days.  It has been unseasonably cold and […]

5 posts in one!

“Sexdroids in Space” is now up at SpaceBabe Central.  At least the first 5 pages are.  I’m honored to have it appear on that site, since that is how I found Predator and Simon Wright when I commissioned my first comic. I really like the animated gif in the top right corner at SBC.  “She […]

Fuck the fucking flu

This is the third time that as I have felt better, the fucking flu came back hard to make sure I didn’t feel better. Fuck the fucking flu. Also, fuck the fucking Pope.

So tired…

… so very tired.  This flu is overstaying it’s welcome.

Fucking flu

The flu decided to come back and hit me hard again today, and I have to get to bed real soon.  So there won’t be any funny postiness tonight.


I just thought like saying that.  That’s German for “Attention!”. And “Rauchen verboten” means “Smoking forbidden”. So, like, if you’re German, don’t fucking smoke when you read this blog. I don’t care.  Smoke em if you got em. But no pie. Remember that episode of The Flintstones where Fred dressed up like a king and […]


Up here in Canada, taxes are due on April 30.  I have never had to pay a significant amount, because my paycheques usually have slightly more than needed deducted from them.  Last year I got about $70 back, which is about what I usually get. This year I will be filing them late.  I can […]

Marco Polo flu over DRM

So I have the fucking flu.  It’s ruined my day, and might possibly screw up my plans for my long weekend.  I booked Monday off so I could get some personal stuff done, but so far I haven’t even done a proper vegetation day.  Usually on Saturday I do laundry, play video games and drink […]

I’m sick

And tired.  Goodnight.

Earth Day

I guess it’s Earth Day today.  Or was that yesterday?  Meh.  This whole week is merging into one long mess of too much work.  And I even had a day off on Monday.  Bleh. I love how the environmental message in the corporate media is “You can make a difference” when the biggest polluters and […]

Ingrateful Ungrates

Grate, just grate.  Nay – crate.  Here’s a poem that will probably not make sense to anyone but me. As fast as I can fill them up The hill takes on a steep incline And when at last I see the top Down rolls this boulder fiend of mine And years ago did I reverse […]

Inane Pawn Classy

I tend not to watch T.V.  And thus, I tend not to watch Saturday Night Live.  But I found this on Reddit this morning and it’s fucking hilarious. Now, I’m no fan of Insane Clown Posse.  I am not a Juggalo.  I don’t know any Juggalos, and I’m not so sure we even have them […]

The thin line between an honest day’s work and exploitation

Grumble.  Look at me complain!  I do it well, so I will continue.  I chose the job I have, and I can leave it whenever I want, I suppose.  But I’ll still complain that there’s too much to do that I wouldn’t have to do if the people around me weren’t brain-dead.  Okay, that’s an […]

I can’t draw

How awesome is my hosting company? FUCKING EPIC AWESOME!!!! I went to the support page, described my problem and in UNDER TEN MINUTES they had it fixed.  Sweeeeet. Okay, on with the funny story. My mother has a paper route.  It is actually the same paper route that I had when I was a kid.  […]

wtf… no images?

Well, I had a funny story to tell that required uploading a pic.  I can’t upload pics, it seems.  Hmmmm… off to contact Support I go.

April 12 – “Don’t Use Your Turn Signal” day!

Everybody celebrate!  Why spend ALL that time using your turn signal when you can just skip it! Sometimes I think everyone around me is drinking bleach to get stupider on purpose.  Actually, that’s almost an accurate statement. I’m cranky, tired and sore, so I’m going to get horizontal and attempt to lose consciousness. Wish me […]

Another fine day wasted

Well, I did lots of stuff yesterday, so today was declared to be Vegetation Day.  I accomplished not much more than sitting on my ass playing video games and reading.  To be specific, I played another long round of Civilization 2 while I had my text-to-speech program read articles on Wikipedia about geological epochs. You […]

In Praise of Chef Boyardee

Yes, my slop is being nuked in the microwave as we speak!  IT was either that or Wendy’s.  Not healthy, but flavourful.  I’m getting plenty of “exercise” at work lately.  So I guess I can claim that I’m burning off the fat pretty fast. So on to things that aren’t high-sodium, high-fat, low-nutrient meals.  Well […]

Amazing how 3 days off instead of 2 can make you feel better

Well, it made ME feel better.  Who agreed this 5 day on, 2 day off thing?  Should be 4 days on, 3 days off.  And no increase in hours during the week.  There.  I’ve spoken. And now, random paragraphs from random articles on Wikipedia. YAY! Since the Middle Ages, the seat of the Archbishop of […]


I care not for Christmas, nor Easter. Ha!

Attention: Complaint Department

Well, bluddy ell. I heard on the weather today that the atmosphere above Calgary was unstable.  No shit.  When I got out of work, it was freezing.  When I rode the train through to downtown, it was a fucking blizzard.  When I got downtown there was no freezing rain but it was about as windy […]

Fucking garbage printer from HP

Well, I’m too fucking pissed off to write a blog post tonight.  My fucking HP printer just died… actually it had been a slow death because since I got the fucking thing it would repeatedly tell me it was out of fucking paper when it wasn’t.  Now it won’t fucking print at all.  I threw […]

Monkeybutt Fuckknuckle

The day was salty like the sea Not really but I’ll tell this tale Of what the state is now of me As I sit headachy and pale My life is boring most the time And only on occasion rare Do I do something that might rhyme With interests foul or interests fair For instance […]

Just a quick rant about DRM

Digital Restrictions Management.  What a fucking sick joke this is.  I just read about another DRM system that has gone down in flames.  This time, like so many times before and many more times to come, the paying customers who were dumb enough to be sold defective goods are being shafted. So, you paid for […]


Thats all I have to say.  I had a nice long weekend, but because of a weather headache, I didn’t get around to all the nice little projects I’ve been putting off for so long. Next time. I’m still loving the upgraded version of Firefox.  And I’m tired so I will go to bed.  I […]

Firefox no longer pisses me off!

That’s me!  Look how happy I am!  And look how shiny my coat is! Seriously, I’m no longer thinking about ditching the Linux version of Firefox.  Since I did my little experiment with installing and using the daily builds, I’m enjoying the quickness and light weight of the browser.  I just uploaded some pics and […]

Uncle Furry’s blog

Let’s go, let’s go, Down to Furry’s blog where I wanna lie low Low life, high life, woah let’s go, Take me down to Furry’s blog Everybody tag alog! Lyrics by Wings, fucked up by Robotman So my friend Uncle Furry has a blog.  Check it out!  He has a rudimentary command of the English […]

Brief and meaningless

It’s Friday.  Good for me.  I’m going to bore you for a while and talk about my weather headaches.  Lately I’ve been getting disorientingly dizzy along with the headache pain.  So my solution is to get myself a prosthetic head.  I can probably just get something made of Styrofoam.  Just pin some googly eyes to […]

Android post

And here I am… blogging from my Android. No, not one like that. I’ve got my new phone all set up, and I’m typing this in a “notes” application that I got for free from the Android app store. I went looking for a proper word proccessor, but I didn’t find one.  I think I […]

Song of the Day – “Big Trouble” by David Lee Roth

You gotta love this guy.  THAT’S AN ORDER!!! If you don’t feel like reading my prattle, my twaddle, my blabber, my chatter today, just check out this link: While all the children are playing at the above link, I shall now gather the responsible adults around me, and we shall rationally discuss the merits […]

Sick kitty :(

No post tonight because my parents’ poor kitty Joey is sick.

A new phone

Something very bizarre happened to me a couple of months ago.  I received a call from someone at Rogers Canada, my phone company.  They had noticed that the majority of the “minutes” I spend on my phone are taken in the evening on weekdays.  This is because of my phone sex dalliances, of course. The […]

Rant of the Day – Whatever the fuck comes to mind

That is the image that appeared first in a Google image search when I entered “whatever the fuck comes to mind” in the search box. Not bad. I was going to blab a little bit about how I’m reading a lot of Roman history now.  I was going to do this when I talked about […]

Down for the Count

I won’t be saying much tonight because my head hurts bad.  The past month has been the worst for weather headaches I’ve ever had.  I thought about getting a prosthetic head…. but that might not be such a good idea. Speaking of “Down for the Count”, that’s an album by some hair metal band called […]

Better than Mario Paint….

Ah, the long weekend. I understand it’s President’s Day down in the U.S. of A.  Goody for them.  I had a day off today on account of “Family Day”. Looking at the Wikipedia article for Family Day, I see I could have observed Louis Riel day too.  Damn.  Next year. I just mangled that picture […]

About those two boxes that disappeared at work today…

This was an email I sent to a friend of mine where I work.  He had gotten really mad.  Really mad. Play the song while gazing at the image and reflecting….

I’ll be in The Lab

A friend of mine told me that he read my “Pope” post while he was delirious and hallucinating from a bad fever caused by a cold.  That’s fucking hilarious.  See how I mock you and your infirmity!  Mock! Tonight’s post is all about how I got that jones again.  Gosh dern, I’m in the need […]

All Sound and Fury…

No, not Furries. I have a friend who is a furry, and this shall serve as a shout-out to him. ;) So, what I’m trying to get at is that basically I have all kinds of projects on the back burner and here I am during the weekend and I’m playing games on the computer. […]

News in Brief – A recap of this week’s events

It’s Friday, and that means it’s time for another “News in Brief” just like I do every Friday.  Every day, in fact.  I do this every hour here on this blog.  You see this every minute. The week started Monday when my head turned into a giant rear view mirror.  I got followed a lot […]

So I found that song…

AAAAAAH!!!  MAKE IT STOP!!!!! Those god damned 80s!  The only good thing I can say about this video is that it has brief scenes of ladies dancing robot style.  I can say lots of bad things about it. Let’s talk about what Ms. Slick is saying, shall we?  As I was telling my friend Keizo […]

The Definition of “American Football”

I found another gem. This is something I submitted to the website Urban Dictionary.  It was rejected. Some more explanation… I don’t understand Sports.  I literally don’t get why people “do” them, why people watch them, or even what the fuck is going on during them.  So, I don’t see Sports as useful in any […]

My special talent

I’ve often asked people if they wanted to hear me make an extremely annoying and extremely loud noise.  They have wisely chosen not to hear this noise.  It is not accomplished with any tools, only my vocal chords. I describe the sound as a cross between fingernails on a chalkboard and a loud screeching sound, […]

Crap… ran out of time tonight

So I’m back “fixing” a friends computer.  That’s the same computer I talked bout earlier.  Apparently, Windows XP got reinstalled on its partition, thus removing the Grub boot loader and the ability to dual boot.  That’s fixed now, but OH SWEET JEBUS how awful the display in XP looks now! Even with the latest XP […]

I get shit done with old tech

Well, there’s no song in my head right now… and I don’t remember anything special coming on the iPod this morning… so no song of the day.  I’m all tired and beat up from working all week too… yesterday was way fucking brutal. But I did get to talk to a hot lady acting like […]

Coming out of a cold snap

I just want to rant and whine about how cold it is now.  Last night it was forecast to go down to -34.4.  This is all Celsius, btw.  When it gets past -20 it’s all just too fucking cold anyway, so I don’t really know if it got THAT cold.  But I’ve been watching the […]

Cold, boot

My blog is finally up and running.  Yay. I finally got time to mess around with all the install procedures and settings.  Working full time sucks.  I have no time to do fun, trivial, useless and ultimately meaningless things like post my random and muddled thoughts on fembots, computers and music to a blog that […]