Category Archives: Fembots

Sexdroids in Space — High Resolution Version

The Robots of Love – High Resolution Version

Archived Fembot Manips 10

Archived Fembot Manips 09

Archived Fembot Manips 08

Archived Fembot Manips 07

Archived Fembot Manips 06

Archived Fembot Manips 05

Archived Fembot Manips 04

Archived Fembot Manips 03

Archived Fembot Manips 02

Archived Fembot Manips 01

These ten archive manip posts contain the manips I made from 2012 to 2019.  A few of these I’ve never shared with anyone before, so keen-eyed viewers might spot them.  I’ve tried to present them here in the order in which they were made.

Stories and Scripts

Fantastic Voyage / The Carbon Man Halloween Treat (script) The Mission H is for Heuristic 36+1 Soccer Mom Unit Kaitlin the Phonebot Tiffani CyberFem Park Erobot Assassindroid The Creation of my Robot Girlfriend Into the Faraday Cage Product Demonstration: CyberFem Model 500 The New 700s at CyberFem Park Secretary Robot Maintenance Report Two Models: Pleasure […]

CyberFem Park

CyberFem Park 1 CyberFem Park 2 CyberFem Park 3 CyberFem Park 4 CyberFem Park 5 CyberFem Park 6 CyberFem Park 7 All content © Robotman.

Soccer Mom Unit

Soccer-Mom Unit — 01 — Dinner Spoiled Soccer-Mom Unit — 02 — Better Late Soccer-Mom Unit — 03 — Homecoming Soccer-Mom Unit — 04 — English And Math Soccer-Mom Unit — 05 — Automated Temptation Soccer-Mom Unit — 06 — Manipulation Soccer-Mom Unit — 07 — Lies Soccer-Mom Unit — 08 — Eyes Soccer-Mom Unit […]


36+1 — Episode 01 36+1 — Episode 02 36+1 — Episode 03 36+1 — Episode 04 36+1 — Episode 05 36+1 — Episode 06 36+1 — Episode 07 36+1 — Episode 08 36+1 — Episode 09 36+1 — Episode 10 36+1 — Episode 11 36+1 — Episode 12 36+1 — Episode 13 36+1 — Episode […]

H is for Heuristic

H Is For Heuristic Part 01 — H Is For Heather H Is For Heuristic Part 02 — Sub Routine H Is For Heuristic Part 03 — Home Early H Is For Heuristic Part 04 — Preparations And Progress H Is For Heuristic Part 05 — Control Problems H Is For Heuristic Part 06 — […]

The Mission

The Mission — Part 01 — Rochelle’s Visit The Mission — Part 02 — Rochelle’s Visit 2 The Mission — Part 03 — Rochelle Goes To The Office The Mission — Part 04 — Rochelle Goes To The Office 2 The Mission — Part 05 — Home Is Where The Main Computer Is The Mission […]

Fembot Manips — May 2021

It’s time for more of Robotman’s manips, where beautiful women are revealed to be robots with circuit boards and wiring inside them.  Ah, love. This time around, I’ve got some manips that show a new concept I’ve got kicking around in my head: “Agents of G.I.R.L.”. These are the General Intelligence Robotic Liaison units – […]

Fembot Manips II — April 2021

Here’s a second batch of manips to enjoy this April.  Some of these remind me how much I like the idea of meeting a woman with a number for a name.

Fembot Manips — April 2021

Ah, April.  As you all know, A.P.R.I.L. is an acronym, which stands for All Purpose Robotic Intelligence Lover.  Gotta get me one of those. But first, manips! One of these was a special request for my friend Kishin.  See if you can spot it.

Fembot Manips III — March 2021

Don’t let your memes be dreams! Serious business, in fact.  Serious business indeed.  Not to be confused with risky business or giving somebody the business. And I’ve put together another fine batch – a heap, a muckle, a slew if you will – of manips to enjoy.  This thesaurus sure is handy! So sit back […]

Fembot Manips II — March 2021

It’s the eve of the Ides of March.  It’s also my first ex girlfriend’s birthday.  It’s also Pi Day.  Coincidence?  Yes, actually.  Also coincidental is the way that Mar 14 sort of spells Maria.  I remember there were some robots named Maria. She’s nice. She’s even nicer!  I’d love to see what’s inside her. Speaking […]

Fembot Manips — March 2021

It’s time for another round of sexy women that are actually machines, which is the best thing in the world if you ask me.  As an added bonus again, two of these manips have been made into little video clips, so check those out below. The Church of Artificial Intelligence This clip is based on […]

The Forbidden Zone

About four years ago, I wrote an interactive story using Twine. No, not that kind of twine.  Twine, the interactive story writing software tool.  It turned out to be a pretty good story, and it showcased several ideas that had actually been kicking around in my head for years and years. But just recently, I […]

Fembot Manips II — February 2021

I’ve been busy again, making more manips.  And that’s mainly because I’ve found so many good source manippable images lately.  And that’s mainly because I’ve started to use Bing image search as my main manippable image looky-look tool. Ahem.  Product placement notwithstanding, I really have to give praise to Bing, and (grudgingly) to Microsoft.  I […]

Fembot Manips — February 2021

As the new year rolls along, so to does the inexorable advance of the fembots.  So to celebrate that idea, let’s have some fembots!

Fembot Manips — January 2021

I’ve made another batch of manips, the first for this fresh, shiny new year.  And to kick things off, I’ll share a funny dream I had, as I relayed it in an email: I had a fun dream last night.  I had this dream that I was back in my first apartment, which was one […]

Fembot Manips III — December 2020

The third fembot manip post this month, well how about that!  Taking a page out of Apple’s labour practices has really paid off for me, here at the North Pole.  I’ve pressed a number of elves into servitude for me, and they toil around the clock for me to produce these manips, so that you […]

Robotman’s Sexy Robot Manip Calendar 2021

Ah, the changing of the year, when we heartily chuck out those old calendars and break out the new ones so we can efficiently fret over our deadlines and schedules. For the past seven years, I’ve been sharing the cheap classic console calendars that I’ve made over the years.  They’ve served me well, and they’ve […]

Fembot Manips II — December 2020

Manips!  Hooray!  Fuel for fantasy fembots, fastidiously fashioned for fun! Here is another 24-pack of my manips which mostly show robot chicks with a penchant for taking off their faceplates.  One of them features a fake robotics company logo that I made, and I liked the way that it turned out so well, that I […]

Fembot Manips — December 2020

I’m feeling like a hero today! And here are the latest manips, which feature a lot of robot chicks in latex.  Not that I’m complaining or anything.  Thanks once more to Kishin for some of the source images!

Fembot Manips — November 2020

It’s time once again to show off the manips that I’ve made to envision the imagined near future of beautiful female androids walking among us. And stupid stuff that I thought was funny when I made it.  Like this:   And this: And now, on with the main event!  To The Future!  

Fembot Manips II — October 2020

Have you ever been? (Have you ever been?) To Electric Ladyland? I think Jimi would approve. And now, the manips!

Fembot Manips — October 2020

Ah, robots.  I’ll always immediately think of beautiful artificial women made of plastic and metal with electronics and computer parts inside them when I think of that word. And speaking of my favourite depictions of robot women, I was watching some scenes from Futureworld the other day, and I noticed some “high tech” special effects […]

Fembot Manips — September 2020

For me, there’s nothing quite like “the reveal”.  That’s the moment in a fantasy or in an artistic work when a pretty woman shows herself, or is shown to be a robot and not a person.  I think that’s why I always come back to this admittedly unrealistic imagery of robot women with their faces […]

Fembot Manips II — August 2020

I was looking for an old document on an old hard drive, and I found what is possibly the best thing I have ever written: (10:39:05)  robotman1974:  “H is for Hooray for me!!!” (10:39:10)  Keizo 2:  LOL! (10:39:27)  robotman1974:  Byron got out of his Ferrari and parked it on home plate. (10:39:38)  robotman1974:  The umpire […]

Fembot Manips — August 2020

It’s summer, and with about a third of a year left before Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, I have nothing better to do than to keep making manips.  So here are the latest manips I’ve made, and a bonus frivolous video clip! I’ll also share the “Fembot Alphabet” I wrote in an email.  I originally wrote […]

Fembot Manips — July 2020

It’s Summer!  Hooray!  Summer where I live usually lasts about a month if I’m lucky, so I’ll enjoy it while I can.  And seeing as how it didn’t really happen last year, I’ll enjoy it twice as much. So to celebrate the warmer-than-room-temperature days, here’s another batch of pictures that I’ve crudely changed to make […]

Fembot Manips — June 2020

I’ve got more manips to share!  And I also made this. Don’t ask why.  It’s a long story.  But never mind that, it’s always time for shitty memes! And remember, Vincent Price said it’s alright! On with the manips!  Once again, the feet manips were made for my friend Kishin. And here’s a bonus video!  […]

Fembot Manips II — May 2020

Hurtling to Planet Earth from my Space Station full of Android Women, I am here once again to bring you my corny yet somehow effective fembot manips.  A couple of bonus video clips too.  The feet stuff is Kishin’s fault.  I’m not actually into feet (German: unteregehendehÁ¤nde), so blame Kishin for that. Bonus videos!  Hooray! […]

Fembot Manips — May 2020

For this month’s batch of my manips, I thought I’d first share a joke manip that I made.  This one took about five minutes to make, including the time spent searching for the images to use. I deleted it at first, but there’s something funny about it, so I thought I’d share.  Now on with […]

Let’s Go for a Van Ride

I’ve made another song, inspired by a scene from The Bionic Woman TV series of the 1970s. This song was inspired by questions like “What are those two fembots doing in that white van?” and “Have you got any more of those fembots, Guvna?” I tried to go for a kind of “spooky” and “unsettling” […]

Fembot Manips — April 2020

As I sit here in my space station populated by gorgeous female androids, I peer down upon Planet Earth and despair for the state of humanity.  Zounds, a pox!  Fret not, good people of Earth, I shall dispatch an army of robots! (DISCLAIMER: None of the above is remotely true in any way shape or […]

Fembot Manips — March 2020

Good ol’ Sophia with the awkward machine stare.  Here’s another batch of manips, fresh out of the oven!  I tried and refined some new methods with these, so hopefully they won’t make your eyes bleed.

Fembot Manips — February 2020

I’ve got another batch of manips to share, so here it is.  I also noticed it’s valentines day today, so there’s that.  Here’s hoping that robot companions and sex partners are harder, better, faster, stronger more advanced and widely available in the years to come, for those who want them.

Shemale Robots Six

Who doesn’t like beautiful robot women with stiff, hard, electronic penises!  Well, most people, actually.  I think there are probably less than 10 people in the world who prefer their robot women with a hardon. Well for me, and for the .0000000001%, here are my latest batch of LEDs, circuit boards, and cocks!  

Fembot Manips II — December 2019

Here’s another set of manips I’ve been making, in the spirit of robot love.  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all that jazz.

Fembot Manips — December 2019

It’s that time again, time for another batch of fembot manips.  Here are the latest two dozen that I’ve done, for your viewing pleasure.

Fembot Manips – November 2019

I’ve been trying to use GIMP more to make my manips look a little better.  I’ve also found out that my current installation of GIMP is broken in some ways (especially with text along paths) and I need to upgrade my Linux OS to get the latest version.  I think all the crashing that my […]