Author Archives: Robotman

Song of the Day – “Screwed It Up” by Limblifter

Are you a Canadian?  Are you a member of “Generation X”?  Remember all that “Generation X” ballyhoo?  Piffle. But myself being a man of 22 in the year 1996, I became quite fond of a certain number of songs which were popular at the time.  The Old MuchMusic television station was the source of a […]

A tale of two Supersisters

Back when I was (by choice) unemployed (for 13 months and spending all my savings), I had the BEST year of my life.  Not working played a huge part in that.  Sigh. Drifting back on topic, from Summer 2006 to Summer 2007 I got into some fine progressive rock thanks to the amazing site Prog […]

Song of the Day – “Oooh.” by De La Soul

It’s not often that a rap song makes it into the ranks of my favourite songs.  Public Enemy and N.W.A. have some in there, but mostly my favourite songs are done by guys like this: But this song is great.  Check out the actual video too, if you want to see some Wizard of Oz […]

Song of the Day – “Nautical Disaster” by The Tragically Hip

Ah, the Hip.  Canadian.  Contains two guys named Gord.  How could they not be Canadian? I say I don’t give a fuck about hockey, and you’ve never saw someone say THAT before. But that’s a different Trag song.  I can call these guys “The Hip” and “Trag” because they  are so familiar.  Unfortunately, that’s because […]

This is exactly how DRM works

If you didn’t know it already, DRM stands for Digital Restrictions Management.  Criminal cartels like the RIAA and their greedy asshole cronies will tell you it stands for Digital Rights Management, but remember: corporations want to take your rights away from you so they can have them for themselves. But that’s a separate rant. Now […]

So much for being productive

Well, I tested CivII on my other computer.  Lasted, well, up to a few minutes ago.  My god, I can waste SO MUCH time with that game.  It’s like crack.  Crack that lasts more than 12 minutes, but crack nonetheless.  So needless to say, I only have time to drink some tea, read some news […]

All done and I like the results

I’ve got everything reinstalled now and aside from virtual Windows being slower, everything is better or the same as how I had it before. My grammar sucks but that is because I’m tired.  So sue me.  I actually spent a bit more time setting up Windows than I would have liked.  Reason?  Apparently Windows XP […]

Virtual trouble

Right here in Virtual River City.  With a Virtual Tea and that rhymes with “W” and that stands for “Windows XP”. Apologies to Robert Preston.  Theoretically, it is possible to take a virtual installation of a guest OS with you and use it on any computer that has your virtualization software installed on it.  To […]


Well, my early night last night didn’t really turn out that way.  I couldn’t sleep.  So I went ahead and installed the new video card I got last night.  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Uncle Furry for carting me around town to get that card. AGP cards are a scarce breed these days.  The […]

Exhaustion time again

And I sleep early.  Goodnight.

Well fuckaduck

Okay, apologies to Nvidia, it’s not your latest driver that’s a steaming pile of shit.  It’s my video card.  More accurately, the capacitors on my video card are a steaming pile of blown capacitorific shit. So I need a new video card.  Meh.


Alas, my internet PC has dun gone all fuckled.  I boot, she freeze.  I boot, she freeze.  Sigh.  Tarnation! I hadn’t upgraded or reinstalled Xubuntu on this thing for a while… it was still running 9.04.  And now I think I’ll have to reinstall the whole damn shebang.  Now, this computer has 2 hard drives.  […]

truncated verbiage spew

So with all the blabber I’ve been spewing about my new Roomba, I don’t think I’ve relayed just how much I like having it do the vacuuming.  Now that it’s not afraid of falling through my black carpet, I can rest assured that it will keep my carpets nice and clean, and deal with all […]

Where did the weekend go?

Seriously?  WTFOMGBBQ? I usually spend a great deal of time vegetating, and I have not done this.  And now it’s freaking 9:00 and I wanted to be in bed an hour ago. At least I’m still very happy with my Roomba.  It just vacuumed a freshly mopped and dried washroom floor and everything down here […]

A problem with Cliff

No, not this Cliff. No, not this Cliff. Something more like these cliffs: You see, my Roomba has what are called “Cliff Sensors”.  These are 4 little infrared sensors that point downward at the front edge of the vacuum.  These sensors will stop the Roomba from going over the edge of a staircase, so in […]

Windows “Security” rant

Windows started life as a stand-alone workstation OS.  Which is fine, if you don’t want any of that “networking” stuff bogging you down.  Back in the 80s, when Bill Gates was actually writing code alongside his Microsoft cohorts, and when Max Headroom stuttered his way into our hearts… No one wanted or needed to connect […]

Robot invasion – day 3

Have I mentioned yet how freaked out my cat is by the Roomba?  My parents’ orange cat is rather freaked out by it too, though he’s a little braver.  This is him: In spirit anyway.  He is fond of biting me.  And here’s a cloud that looks like a lion cub: And here’s the clouds […]

Robot invasion – day 2

So far so good.  I’ve got the Roomba all charged and I’ve settled into the habit of cleaning the bin and brushes out every 5 minutes.  Supposedly, this only needs to be done at the end of every cleaning cycle, but my floor is way fucking dirty.  I’m almost ashamed to admit how much cat […]

Robot invasion – day 1

You just knew that me talking about my new Roobma would give me plenty of chances to make bad jokes and gratuitously insert pictures of sexy female robots… didn’t you? I’d rumba with her any day. Okay, let’s get to the topic at hand now.  I am now the proud owner of my very first […]

Song of the Day – “See You on the Other Side” – by Ozzy Osbourne

Apologies, for this version cuts out most of the guitar solo in the middle.  But you get to watch Ozzy being his wacky self.  But you have to put up with YouTube’s slow and crappy “flash video” drivel.  But it comes with a free frozen yogurt which I call “Frogurt”.  The Frogurt is also cursed.  […]

Revisiting another old video game

Anyone ever hear of a computer game called “The Sims”?  I know, it’s pretty darn obscure.  I bought the first version back in… oh… let’s check Wikipedia again… 2000. I remember I was reading about what a different kind of game it was.  I found it appealing because I liked to design, build, and decorate […]

An assemblage of the finest minds

Here is a very interesting picture. Almost everyone (except for you Sharla, because you’re as dumb as you are gorgeous) will recognize Albert Einstein.  But take a look at those names.  You may recognize some others now.  This is a snapshot of where modern physics and cosmology comes from… pretty much. And here’s another similar […]

Friday night… Hooray!

After the gruelling week I just had, the only thing I can think to do with a full weekend ahead of me now is sleep. But not before I whine a little first.  I just had to fill in for my boss for 2 weeks + 1 day.  I’m capable of doing everything he does, […]

It seems I write like David Foster Wallace

While surfing, I found a funny picture: Immediately, I thought I’d have to give this “I Write Like” website a try, and so I entered in the following text from Chapter 75 (Feeling) of my own novel “H is for Heuristic“: The woman beside Byron was warm, but unyielding and still. She was dressed […]

I have to recommend phone sex again

If you, like me, love fembots, and you’ve never called one of the lovely ladies on NiteFlirt, then you need to kick your own ass. And you need to call already.  Last night I had an amazing call with a pretty and plump lady, and the whole time I got to hear her sweeeeet feminine […]

One hail of a storm

I bitch about the weather a lot, but sometimes the weather in Calgary can be damn exciting.  As long as you don’t suffer hail damage.  That sucks. But today around the middle of the day there was an INTENSE hail storm around here.  My mother says it was the biggest hail she’s ever seen.  It […]

A short rant about something that really bugs me about Linux

Okay.  Back in the days of Windows 95 and 98, I learned how to customize my setup as best as I could.  This included changing desktop wallpaper, the window buttons and title bars, the Start Menu, the sounds, and the mouse cursors.  I customized other things too, but let’s not get carried away here.  This […]

Deep in the midst of Redneckfest

So you may or may not have heard of the Calgary Stampede.  Also, you may or may not care.  I for one do not.  I don’t like 99.99999% of Country Music and I don’t fancy cowboy culture, attire, mannerisms, or anything else associated with cowpoke folk and local yokels smoking yolk over oak and soaking […]

The Robots are coming

Here on Gratuitous Science, I like to get gratuitous with the science.  When I say “The Robots are coming”… does that make you feel like this? Or this? Does it conjure up images like this? Or this? Well, I’m talking right now about this: Yes, I’m going to finally buy my first robot.  I’m disappointed […]


Technically, I’m being monetarily rewarded for pushing myself literally to exhaustion every week.  So I guess this is worth it.  Goodnight.

Song of the Day – “Surf and Slam” by Suicidal Tendencies

A transition from Skatepunk to Surfpunk is done with ease and grace, I gather. Now, as I have diligently collected a link for you to watch the video, I noticed that the album cover reminds me of what a fucking coked out spaz their bass player was on this album. Thats’ him on the right.  […]

Song of the Day – “Let There Be Rock” by AC/DC

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A C FUCKIN D C MAN!! And this is probably my favorite AC/DC song.  It just fucking steamrolls everything.  It’s a fucking caveman club attack. No, not quite.  That looks more like Jesus. That’s better.  It’s not what I was looking for, but it is better. I’m not so sure I really want to […]

WTF happened?

Well, fuck.  Fembot Central is down.  Grrr.  Of to investigate I go. If any Fembot Central members want to rant and rave in the meantime, they can do so on the talk page of the Current Events article on FembotWiki.

No post tonight

I need to get to sleep ASAP.

Civ Sabbath

Yesterday afternoon and this morning, while taking codeine for my delightful headache, I’ve been playing another round of Civilization II.  You know, that 14 year old game that I can just never get enough of. This time, I was playing as the Zulus.  I’m fond of reading (via text-to-speech software) Wikipedia articles about the history […]

Song of the Day – “Synthesizer” by Electric Six

Two things I’ll tell ya right off the bat, buddy. This is an awesome song Nobody from Electric Six appears in this video Some comedian made the video.  And he did a damn fine job.  Come, let us laugh at him.  Ha! I think it was this song that made me actually break down and […]

Update on my first PC

Because this is fucking VITAL information.  A few posts down, I talked about how I was reinstalling Xubuntu/LXDE on my first computer.  I use it for reading, so all I run is Firefox and a text-to speech program. Well, I dun got me everything set up.  I installed all the updates, got the codecs I’ll […]

Happy Canada Day!

And this is the Can-O-The-Day So, I suppose I should reflect on things Canadian today.  I intend on having some BC salmon today.  That’s Canadian.  I have several product packages within reach that are printed with both French and English.  That’s Canadian.  I have a fondness for beautiful and voluptuous female androids that are programmed […]

Song of the Day – “Cygnus X-1” by Rush

Linkus X-1. Check it out!  It’s a guy’s ass!  A guy’s naked ass!  Seriously!  Check out the video link! Okay, that only lasts for about a minute.  Then there’s a pic of Rush from about 1976.  Followed by more pics by the time you hear Geddy’s bass kick in. Fuck, this song is SWEEEEEEET.  It’s […]

Song of the Day – “The Writ” by Black Sabbath

The Link. Have I done a Black Sabbath song before here?  Let me check. Negative. Fuck, I’m going to betray Humanity when the robots take over, I just know it.  How could I resist a hot android chick who strides mechanically up to me and seduces me with her synthetic charms? Then again, the rest […]

Song of the Day – “Chocolate Rain” by Tay Zonday

Okay, this isn’t a song that I like much.  But my friend Uncle Furry has never even heard of this meme.  Actually, he’s never even heard of the word “meme”. This can only mean one thing.  Uncle Furry spends his free time doing far more productive things than me.  So be it. Would you believe […]

Fuck upgrading… viva la reinstallation! – Part 2

So now the time has come to reinstall Ubuntu on my very first PC, and this thing will go from Ubuntu 8.04 with LXDE to Ubuntu 10.04 with LXDE. But I’m going about things a little differently on this machine.  First of all, when I tried to load the computer using the Ubuntu 10.04 Live […]

Fuck upgrading… viva la reinstallation!

I made a post a while back about how I upgraded my parents’ laptop from Xubuntu 9.04 to 10.04.  It went well.  But since I upgraded, I didn’t get to take advantage of the vast improvements in boot times that came along with the newest version.  Also, I didn’t get my chance to try setting […]

I never get to do fun stuff on a Friday

I wanted to play on the phone again tonight, but I’m too damn tired.  So here’s a funny comic instead. And because I’m such a nice guy, here’s your chance to download a version of Adobe Photoshop for free!  Yes indeed!  Just save this link and you’ll have your very own copy of Adobe Photoshop!  […]

Song of the Day – “What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?” by R.E.M.

I’ve had this song popping into my head a lot lately.  I don’t know why that should be, because I’m not an “R.E.M. Fan”.  I do remember that this was played all over the radio back in 1994. And every time I think about this song, I think of Dan Rather. Here’s an explanation, from […]

Song of the Day – “Slow Dawn” by Smashing Pumpkins

The Smershing Pampkins are one of those bands that you either like or don’t like.  I quite like them… most of the time.  I worked with a guy who was a Smoshing Pimpkuns fanatic, and he extolled their virtues up and down and all around.  But I had known them from before, with their neato […]

Songs of the Day – “Cosmic Slop” by Funkadelic and “Amos Moses” by Jerry Reed

Some things just belong together. Peanut butter and chocolate. Erica Campbell and lingerie. The female form and electromechanics. They match.  They mesh.  They meld. But here’s a less obvious combo.  You may not see how these two songs fit together at first, but try bashing your head against something hard while holding your breath.  If […]

Song of the Day – “Atom Heart Mother” by Pink Floyd

I’m feeling lousy today, so I’ll make this post an easy one. Part 1 Part 2 Wait a minute… didn’t I already talk about this song on this here blog? <checks> Okay, I mentioned it.  And I mentioned how the band members had not considered it to be in their top ten accomplishments of fave […]

The sad state of text-to-speech in Linux just got less sad

I’m a lazy guy.  I read a lot while I surf the net, and I have a screen reader do all the work for me.  Currently, I have TextAloud mp3 do that for me on this computer.  It runs in a virtual Windows XP installation that I have in “seamless mode” in VirtualBox on my […]

Upgrading Ubuntu – Part 2

My experience with upgrading my Ubuntu (and Xubuntu) systems from version 9.04 through 10.04 seems to have gone well.  As I blabbed about in a post below, I upgraded my parents’ laptop first, then did the same to my own laptop. Now, I’ve done the process to my music computer.  I was worried about this […]